Home Minister Issues Circular on PPKM Implementation Order, Vaccination Acceleration

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 19 Juli 2021
Category: News
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In a bid to curb the spread of COVID-19, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued Circular Number 440/3929/SJ on Public Activity Restriction (PPKM) Implementation Order and Acceleration of Vaccination for the People.

The circular was signed on Sunday (18/07) and addressed to governors, regents, and mayors across Indonesia.

Under this Circular, the Minister urges heads of regional governments to take these measures:

First, to regularly evaluate the implementation of PPKM to assess its effectiveness in reducing the transmission of COVID-19.

Second, to order the Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) in their respective region to prioritize taking professional, humanist, and persuasive measures in the following stages of PPKM implementation:

  1. Ensuring orderly implementation of PPKM as regulated in the  Instruction of Minister of Home Affairs on PPKM;
  2. Enforcing the law/disciplining those who violate PPKM provisions firmly but politely and sympathetically without violence that is likely to violate the law; and
  3. Implementing the above measures in letter a and letter b in synergy with the Indonesian National Defense Forces/the Indonesian National Police and other related stakeholders from the Regional Leadership communication Forum.

Third, to help the people with economic difficulties impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and PPKM implementation by providing facemasks, hand sanitizer, staple food, and supplement/healthy food, in accordance with the financial condition/capability of their respective region.

Fourth, to speed up vaccination for the people. Governors are authorized to:

  1. reallocate vaccines from regencies and cities with exceeding vaccine supplies to regencies and cities that lack vaccine supplies; and
  2. order health agencies not to store/pile up vaccine supplies and to immediately inject vaccines to the people according to the priority scale.

Fifth, to carry out dissemination on 5M (wearing a face mask, washing hands, maintaining a safe distance, avoiding crowds, and reducing mobility) health protocol implementation massively to the people and distribute facemasks to the general public using the available budget.

Sixth, to report the implementation of the Circular to Minister of Home Affairs through Director General of Regional Administration Development. (PR of Ministry of Home Affairs/UN) (DH/EP)

The official website of Ministry of Home Affairs can be accessed through this link.

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