Home Minister Issues Instruction on PPKM Revocation

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Desember 2022
Category: News
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To follow up on revocation of public activity restrictions (PPKM), Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian issued Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 53 of 2022 on the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 During Transition Period Toward Endemic.

The Minister also said the Instruction is issued by taking into account Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation which is under control, high immunity level within the people, better preparedness of healthcare capacity, and faster economic recovery.

The Instruction which is addressed to all governors and regents/mayors in Indonesia reads as follows:

FIRST, the PPKM is declared ended from the date of the signing of the Instruction.

SECOND, the revocation of PPKM as referred to in the FIRST Dictum does not necessarily mean a declaration that the COVID-19 pandemic is over since the declaration will be made by the World Health Organization (WHO).

THIRD, in a bid to keep the COVID-19 spread under control and to prevent a hike in the case, transition period towards the endemic is needed by implementing proactive, persuasive, focused, and coordinated strategies in taking these following measures:

  1. Health Protocols
    1. Encourage the public to keep wearing face masks, particularly:
      1. during the crowd and the hustle and bustle of community activities;
      2. in closed and narrow buildings/rooms (including in public transportation);
      3. for people with symptoms of respiratory disease (such as coughing, runny nose and sneezing); and
      4. for close and confirmed contacts;
    2. Encourage the public to keep washing their hands using soap or hand sanitizer;
    3. Remind the public that they’re still in the risk of being infected with COVID-19 so they must remain vigilant and increase self-reliance to protect themselves from being infected with COVID-19; and
    4. Encourage the implementation of PeduliLindungi surveillance app when entering/using public facilities particularly for domestic travelers who will take public transportation.
  2. Surveillance
    1. Encourage those having COVID-19 symptoms to conduct testing;
    2. Pay more attention and ensure protection for vulnerable groups (elderly, boarding school students, inmates, those living in orphanage, and the likes) from the infection of COVID-19; and
    3. Increase public awareness to do self-testing if they had close contact with COVID-19 confirmed patient.
  3. Vaccination
    1. Encourage the public to receive their primary and booster shots independently or centrally in public places such as offices, factories, places of worship, markets and terminals.
  4. Public Communication
    1. Intensify communication, dissemination of information and education by making the best use of all media both printed or social media and involving religious figures, prominent figures, and influencer network.

FOURTH, governors, regents, and mayors shall conduct dissemination and strict supervision to prevent and control COVID-19 cases in their respective regions by carrying out an assessment of COVID-19 indicators to determine transmission rate and response capacity.

FIFTH, governors, regents, and mayors are ordered to revoke regional regulation, head of regions’ regulation, and other provisions/policies that punish those who violate PPKM provisions.

SIXTH, governors, regents, and mayors as the heads of COVID-19 regional task forces in coordination and collaboration with the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI), Indonesian National Police (Polri), the Attorney General’s Office, and other vertical agencies, must continue to activate regional task forces in a bid to monitor, control, and supervise the development of COVID-19 cases and to take any necessary measures in the prevention and control of COVID-19 in their respective regions.

SEVENTH, governors, regents, and mayors as the heads of COVID-19 regional task forces may selectively issue recommendation to approve crowd to any kind of public activities that can cause crowds while still implementing health protocols which are the basis for issuing permits from the police according to their level.

EIGHTH, ensure the availability of budget sourced from the regional budget (APBD) to prevent and control COVID-19 based on provisions of laws and regulations.

NINTH, report the handling, prevention, and control of COVID-19 in their respective regions to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Minister of Health, Minister of Home Affairs and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).

TENTH, this Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs shall take effect as of the date of its promulgation. As the Instruction is in effect:

  1. Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 50 of 2022 on Implementation of Public Activity Restrictions during Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Java and Bali, and Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 51 of 2022 on Implementation of Public Activity Restrictions during Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua, are revoked and declared null and void;
  2. restrictions may be reimposed in the event of a significant hike in COVID-19 cases.


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