Indonesia Committed to Accelerating the Use of Renewable Energy

President Joko Widodo and the world leaders attended Mission Innovation: Accelerating the Clean Energy Revolution in Paris, France, on Monday (30/11). Pictures: Rusman/Secretariat of the President
President Joko Widodo and 40 heads of state/government attended an event: Mission Innovation: Accelerating the Clean Energy Revolution held at Nelson Mandela Auditorium, Climate Generations Area, Paris, France, on Monday (30/11).
The presence of the President showed Indonesias commitment in acceleration of the use of renewable energy. Indonesia has targeted to include 23% of renewable energy in national energy mix by the year 2025, or three times higher than current proportion of renewable energy.
In the next four years, Indonesia plans to develop an additional 35,000 MW of electric power. 25% of this amount comes from renewable energy and another 25% comes from gas.
Press release from Presidential Communication Team, Ari Dwipayana, on Monday (30/11) evening, mentioned that the presence of President Joko Widodo in that event also confirmed that Indonesia is part of the program to accelerate clean renewable energy innovation.
Mission Innovation is an effort to encourage public and private parties to carry out renewable energy innovation, Ari stated.
In order to promote renewable energy innovation, President Joko Widodo attended the event along with other country leaders, among others the leaders from the United States, France, India, England, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Norway, Saudi Arabia, and Germany. This event was also attended by Bill Gates as private sectors representative. (MMB/YM/Naster)