Indonesia Geared to Reduce Stunting Rate to 14% in 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 September 2020
Category: News
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The Indonesian Government has announced it is set to reduce the country’s stunting rate to 14% in 2024 or below 680,000 cases per year.

Based on a survey done by the Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status (SSGBI) in 2019, there is currently a drop in the prevalence of stunting from 30.8% in 2018 to 27.67% in 2019 or dropped by around 3.13%.

“If we look at the birth number of around 4.8 million per year, the stunting rate annually must be below 680,000 cases. If higher than that, we will not be able to reach the target set by the President,” Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said in Thursday (10/9).

According to him, devising strategic steps and breakthroughs to reduce stunting rate is crucial.

In the meantime, Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture of Ministry of National Development Planning Subandi Sardjoko mentioned several strategies to accelerate stunting reduction, one of which is by including stunting handling in the national priority project.

“We already have a national strategy to accelerate reduction of stunting, but it is not strong enough to become a guideline for the regions. Therefore, we are currently finalizing a draft of a presidential regulation to accelerate stunting reduction,” he said.

Subandi also explained that the draft includes convergence in handling stunting, both at the central, provincial and village levels.

The presidential regulation will use the existing resources so that the program can actually reach the community, he added.

In addition, other efforts that need to be encouraged, he added, include a monitoring system for budget evaluation that is well-targeted, building a dashboard to see the achievement of reducing the stunting rate in each region, as well as strengthening commitment from local officials, including the governors, regents or mayors.

“Accurate data is also important to see whether the intervention, utilization of village funds, incentives for regions, and involvement of all parties including the private sector and NGOs, are good enough at handling stunting,” said Subandi.

For the record, the Government has established a team to accelerate stunting reduction comprising Vice President Ma’ruf Amin as Chief Advisor, Muhadjir Effendy as Deputy Chairperson, Minister of the National Development Planning as executor and 22 ministers / heads of institutions as members. (PR of Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture/EN)



Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Reviewed by: M. Ersan Pamungkas

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