Indonesia Hosts Challenges Forum (CF)

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 4 November 2016
Category: News
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2016_11_04 ErsanAs one of partner countries of the Challenges Forum (CF) and in line with Indonesia’scommitment to keep international peace and security, Indonesia has been appointed to host the CF Workshop, which adopts the theme ‘Strengthening of Collecting Readiness for the Success of the UN Peacekeeping Mission’.

The workshop will be held in Bali on 10 – 11 November this year.

Director of International Security and Disarmament of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andy Rachmianto said that the Challenges Forum serves as an opportunity for 22 partner countries to have a comprehensive and constructive dialog that involves various stakeholders such as policy makers, practitioners, and academicians in discussing a number of major issues and development of theof the UN Peacekeeping Mission.

“This meeting will especially discuss the importance of the readiness of allUN Peacekeeping Mission actors in entering the year 2017 and efforts that can be jointly made, including by countries who send their personnel in supporting the success of the mission of the United Nations that are available today and in the future,” Andy said in Jakarta on Thursday.

According to him, the meeting is slated to be opened by Director General of Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Hasan Kleib and will be attended by around 100 participants from representatives 22 partner countries of the Challenges Forum (military representatives police, and civilians), UN high-ranking officials, experts, as well as representatives from a number of related institutions in Indonesia.

In keepingwith the implementation of Indonesia’s  free and active foreign policy and multilateral diplomacy and as part of the mandate of the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, Andy said that the Indonesian Government continues to play its active role to increase the number of Indonesia’s personnel at the UNN Peacekeeping Mission, both in terms of the number and the quality of the personnel.

“This is also part of the efforts to realize Vision 4.000 Peacekeepers stated in the National Mid-term Development Plan (RPJMN) for the period of 2015-2019,” he said.

Andy believes that Indonesia’s commitment to host the Challenges Forum will give an added value for the Government’s contribution in keeping international security and peace, and as one of the countries that send the largest number of personnel for the UN Peacekeeping Mission, which is 2,867 personnel in total.

Andy further said thatIndonesia’s role and contribution is expected to further strengthen Indonesia’s candidacyas a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period of 2019 – 2020. (KIPS Kemlu/ES)(EP/YM/Naster)

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