Indonesia is a Very Big Country, President Jokowi Says

President Jokowi when visiting Miftahul Huda Islamic Boarding School, at Manonjaya Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya Regency, Saturday (10/6) (Photo: PR/Jay)
Starting his agenda on the second day of his working visit in West Java, President Joko Jokowi Widodo visited Miftahul Huda Islamic Boarding School at Manonjaya Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya Regency, on Saturday (10/6) morning.
The President, who stayed at Santika Hotel Tasikmalaya, arrived at 9.15 a.m. Western Indonesia Time, was welcomed by the General Chairman of the School, K.H. Asep A. Maoshul Affandy. They then headed to Hamida Building to meet the students and teachers of the School.
Starting his remarks, President Jokowi extended his appreciation for the warm welcome. In his remarks, the President stated that Indonesia is a very big country. It is based on his experience flying from Aceh to Jayapura, Papua, that took 9.5 hours.
However, many people do not realize that there are no other countries like Indonesia. Indonesia has 17,000 islands, 516 regencies and cities, 34 provinces, 714 tribes, and more than 1,100 local languages.
The President admitted that he always mentions that this diversity is a blessing from the Almighty God. All people of Indonesia should be thankful and use this blessing to compete with other countries.
The President also said that he studies Indonesias local languages in every working visit. From Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote, we are diverse, the President said while admitting previously, he only knew about Java Island, but now he realizes that this country is very big.
Therefore, the President reminded once again about the big potential of Indonesia, such as the diversity and wide area of Indonesia.
The President also asked all to maintain our fraternity, not only among the ukhuwah islamiyah (Islamic brotherhood), but also the ukhuwah wathoniah (brotherhood of the nation).If our fraternity is not well-maintained, this country will be weak. Other countries will be happy to see this. If they think we are weak and our relationship is broken, they will come because they are tempted by our abundant natural resources, the President said.
Concluding his remarks, the President asked all to continue this togetherness. He is ready to discuss any issue, be it about Islamic Boarding School, government, or other issues because the potential of an Islamic Boarding School is a big strength for this country.
Also attending the event were Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki and Deputy Governor of West Java Deddy Mizwar. (FID/JAY/ES)(MMB/YM/Naster)