Indonesia Must Preserve Its Mangrove Forests, President Jokowi Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 September 2021
Category: News
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President Joko Widodo plants mangroves with the residents at Setokok Beach, Batam, Riau Islands, Tuesday (28/9). (Foto: BPMI/Laily Rachev)

As home to the world’s largest mangrove forests—3.36 million hectares— Indonesia must understand the importance of protecting, caring for and rehabilitating mangrove forests, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has said.

“Approximately 20 percent of the total mangrove forests in the world is in our country. For that reason, we have a big potential of mangrove forests. However, the most important thing is how to maintain, how to care for, how to rehabilitate the damaged ones so that our mangrove forests are truly protected,” said the President after planting mangroves with residents at Setokok Beach, Bulang District, Batam City, Riau Islands, Tuesday (28/9).

According to the President, the Government has also invited various parties in the rehabilitation of mangrove forests in Indonesia.

“We always involve the environmentalist community and the fishing community to plant, maintain and rehabilitate our mangrove forests,” he said, adding that mangrove forests can function to improve coastal ecosystems, reduce seawater abrasion, and reduce carbon emissions more than tropical forests.

“Once again, as a country that has the largest mangrove forest in the world, Indonesia must maintain this. After all, this is Indonesia’s strength,” he remarked. (FID/UN) (EST/EP)

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