Indonesia Ranks 3rd in the G-20 Economic Growth: President Jokowi

President Jokowi greets the Chairman of Minhaajurrosyidiin Islamic Boarding School KH Kasmudi Assidiqi after the opening of Teenage National Pencak Silat Championship (Persinas) ASAD 2017, in Lubang Buaya, Jakarta, on Tuesday (8/8)
Among the G-20 member countries, Indonesias economic growth ranked third after India and China. President Joko Jokowi Widodo called on all sides to be grateful for that achievement.
South Korea, Mexico, Germany, European Union countries, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Japan ranked below us. However, we are not aware and be grateful of it, President Jokowi said when opened the National Tournament and Teenage National Pencak Silat (Indonesian traditional martial arts) Championship (Persinas) ASAD 2017 at the Minhaajurrosyidiin Islamic Boarding School, in Lubang Buaya, Jakarta, on Tuesday (8/8).
With that kind of improvement in economic growth, President Jokowi believes that Indonesia would be still at top five even though the global economic growth is slowing down. In the latest report, Indonesia still ranked in the top five in the second quarter of 2017, with 5.01 percent. We should be grateful for it, the President added.
As for inflation rate, it is improved from the range of 8 to 9 percent to 3.35 percent in 2015 and 3.02 percent in 2016, which indicated that price control was well-executed.
On that occasion, President Jokowi also asserted that the Government is now focusing to complete the infrastructure development considering that it is a basic and fundamental thing in global competition.
The President added that the border areas has been developed as well as the seaports. Though the project is not finished yet, the Government will carry it on until the infrastructures are completed. The construction of toll roads and railways outside Java is also began, while construction of airports in the remote islands will be completed within 3 years.
What do we get from this development? It is expected to accelerate the mobility of goods and people, thus it will reduce prices of basic commodities throughout the country, the President explained.
President Jokowi admitted that not all infrastructure projects are completed, so people cannot feel the benefits yet. However, once all infrastructures are connected and In Shaa Allah completed in accordance with the target, the President believes the prices throughout Indonesia will be under control and can compete with the prices of other countries.
After completing the infrastructures, the Government will develop the human resources because infrastructures including airports, seaports, toll roads, and railways will be useless if we do not prepare the human resources. Children must also be taught about the importance of good characters and work ethic, not only in schools, Islamic boarding schools, but also in the universities.
Abundant natural resources that Indonesia has will be nothing if it is not accompanied with good human resources that possess strong characters.
According to the President, natural resources could make people lazy, spoiled, and have poor work ethic. We must prepare it because Indonesia will not become a great country without it (good human resources), the President added.
Thus, President Jokowi requested the education in high schools as well as vocational schools not to be a monotonous routine any longer. The President also cited the example of vocational schools majors which have not changed for years, including architecture, electricity, and machinery, yet the global conditions changed rapidly. Why there are no majors in mechatronics, logistics, retail, animation, or e-sport? With good character (of the students) these majors will become potentials of our country, the President said.
The President admitted that he is happy because the basic characters are already possessed by the students in Islamic boarding schools, particularly in LDII (Indonesian Islamic Propagation Institute) Boarding Schools, because knowledge will be useless without Imaan (faith), and Taqwa (being conscious and cognizant of Allah).
For university, President Jokowi told that he instructed the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, university rectors, not to confine the majors in university only on economics, law, and social politics. Faculties in the university should add majors that are needed in this age, for example a major in human resources development.
Also attending the event were Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, General Secretary of Persinas ASAD Teddy Suratmadji, Chairman of Persinas ASAD General Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Agus Susarso, and Chairman of Minhaajurrosyidiin Islamic Boarding School KH Kasmudi Assidiqi.