Indonesia Takes Over Airspace Control Above Riau Islands, Natuna

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi at Podkabs Studio (Photo: Bureau for Public Relation and Protocol of the Cabinet Secretariat/Agung)
Starting Thursday (03/21), Indonesia officially takes over the management of the flight information region (FIR) above Riau and Natuna Islands.
“After completing the FIR realignment with Singapore, Indonesia will manage the airspace above the two islands. This provision is effective starting March 21, 2024 at 20:00 UTC or March 22, 2024 at 03:00 Western Indonesian Time (WIB),” Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi stated as quoted from the Ministry’s official website, Tuesday (03/26).
The realignment has increased the area of the Jakarta’s FIR by 249,575 km2, bringing the total area to 2,842,725 km2 or an increase of 9.5 percent from the original. “With the realignment, I hope the two countries can continue to cooperate to improve the safety and efficiency of navigation services in the airspace,” the Minister said.
Budi also expressed optimism the realignment would bring positive impact on the country, including in state revenues.
“I hope it will also improve aviation safety as well as security and could spark the modernization of aviation navigation equipment and the development of human capital in the country,” he remarked.
For the record, the management transfer of flight navigation services was carried out after Indonesia and Singapore signed an agreement on airspace regulation in Bintan, January 25, 2022. The agreement was then ratified through Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2022 on Boundary Adjustments between the Flight Information Region of Jakarta and the Flight Information Region of Singapore.
The adjustments to the Jakarta FIR and Singapore FIR limits have also been approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on December 15, 2023. (PR of Ministry of Transportation/UN) (GWH/LW)