Indonesia to Become Worlds 4th Biggest Economy by 2045, President Jokowi Says

President Jokowi, accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, National Development Planning Minister, and Minister Home Affairs, opens 2019 National Development Planning Conference, at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (9/5). (Photo: Rahmat/PR)
Indonesia has great opportunity to become the worlds fourth biggest economy by 2045, President Joko Jokowi Widodo said.
Indonesia has the opportunity,” President Jokowi said when delivering remarks at the Opening of the 2019 National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas), at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (9/5).
However, the President further said, Indonesia still has a long way to go to achieve it as the country is still facing a large number of challenges.
He reminded that many countries are stuck into the so-called middle income trap because the Government cannot resolve obstacles posed by the countries. Therefore, President Jokowi said that Indonesia must first resolve any challenges ahead of 2045 or coinciding with the countrys 100th anniversary of independence.
President Jokowi mentioned the first biggest challenge is infrastructure. According to him, infrastructure must be evenly built across the regions. He also has ordered the governors, regents, and mayors across Indonesia to immediately build supporting facilities to connect the industrial region in their respective regions to the main infrastructures that have been built by the Central Government, including state roads, toll roads, seaports, and airports.
“Connect those projects with industrial areas, tourism areas, as well as agricultural and plantation areas. That is the duty of the regional governments, said the President.
The second is structural reform. According to the President, bureaucratic reform must be truly implemented, government institutions must be simplified, and licensing process from the Center to the regions must be cut off.
“Without resolving the said challenges, there is no chance to become the top four economies,” the President firmly said.(DND/HIM/RAH/ES)
Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Edited by: Muhardi, Yuyu Mulyani