Indonesia-UK Sign MoU on Information and Experiences Sharing in Organizing World Sports Event

President Joko Widodo and several Ministers as well as high-ranking officials have a conversation after a meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron (19/4)
President Joko Widodo, on Tuesday (19/4) afternoon local time, conducted a working visit to the office of the Prime Minister of United Kingdom David Cameron at Downing Street Number 10, London, the United Kingdom.
When President Joko Widodo and PM David Cameron was having a tête-à-tête meeting, at a separate room, several Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) in various sectors were signed. The signing of these MoUs reflected the achievement of the Presidents visit to the UK.
There were five MoUs that have been signed by the two countries, such as MoU on Creative Industry Cooperation, MoU on Higher Education Cooperation, MoU on Information and Experiences Sharing in Organizing World Sports Event, MoU on Regulation of Marine and Fisheries Cooperation, and MoU between PT Garuda with Airbus and Roll Royce.
The MoU on Information and Experiences Sharing in Organizing World Sports Event shall be a framework to share experiences and information in designing strategies as well as programs to maximally develop trade sector, to increase business opportunity, and to formulate planning as well as investment that want to be achieved from the organization of a world sport event.
Sharing experiences with the UK is important for Indonesia because the UK has an experience as the host of the 2012 London Olympics and at the moment Indonesia is preparing itself as the host of the 2018 Asian Games.
Through the MoU on Creative Industry Cooperation, both Governments open the opportunity to establish a more enhanced cooperation in order to increase the capacity and develop the skills through education and training. Moreover, this MoU can be a guideline to develop financing scheme for creative economy, including financing sources and investment. This MoU also emphasizes the importance todevelop creative cities networking.
The Goverment of Indonesia and the UK also signed an MoU on Higher Education Sector which is expected to be able to improve education development in both countries. This MoU is also expected to encourage the development of bilateral program between higher education institutions of the two countries. The cooperation shall be mutually beneficial and provide scholarships for the students of both countries.
Another agreement made by the two countries is the regulation of marine and fisheries cooperation. This MoU is a derivative of MoU on Maritime Cooperation signed in Jakarta, on 27 July 2015. This MoU provides cooperation opportunity in a number of sectors, such as information cooperation in eradicating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, marine and fisheries research, biodiversity conservation, fisheries management system, and human resources capacity improvement. In addition, a technical working committee has been established to further discuss this cooperation.
Meanwhile, the MoU between Garuda Indonesia and Airbus as well as Rolls Royce (RR) emphasizes on skills development so that Garuda Indonesia will be able to maintain RR engine parts and develop the capacity of Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF). Thus, it will be able to maintain bigger and broader RR engine parts. (UN)(MMB/YM/Naster)