Indonesia Will Send Contingent of TNI MI-17 Helicopters Task Force to Peace Mission in Mali

Indonesia Will Send Contingent of TNI MI-17 Helicopters Task Force to Peace Mission in Mali
Upon the request of the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO) submitted on August 22, 2014, the Government of Indonesia has decided to send Task Force MI-17 TNI helicopters in the peacekeeping missions in Mali, Africa, or called the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).
The Indonesian government’s decision to divert on sending troops of the Task Force of Indonesian Army (TNI) MI-17 Helicopters, from the mission of African United Nations Hybrid Missiong in Darfur (UNAMID) to MINUSMA was stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 78 Year 2014, concerning the Garuda Contingent of TNI MI-17 Helicopter Task Force in UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali, which was signed by President Joko Widodo on July 3, 2015.
Furthermore, the Minister of Law and Human Rights has enacted Presidential Regulation No. 78 Year 2015, Yasonna. H Laoly in the last July 6, 2015.
The establishment of Konga Task Force of MI-17 Helicopter of TNI MINUSMA implemented at the request of the United Nations (UN) to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia,” reads Article 2 of the regulation.
Konga Task Force of MI-17 Helicopter of TNI MINUSMA according to the Presidential Decree is formed by the Armed Forces (TNI) Commander, and conducted in accordance with UN standards.
“The preparation, sending, and returning of Konga Task Force of MI-17 Helicopter – TNI MINUSMA implemented by the TNI Commander in coordination with the Coordinating Team peacekeeping Mission,” reads Article 4 of Presidential Decree No. 78 of 2015 was.
As mentioned in the Presidential Regulation, that Konga Task Force of MI-17 Helicopter of TNI MINUSMA, will carry out the task of a maximum of 1 (one) year, and with the possibility of extended according to the UN request. The extension of the assignment period referred implemented by the TNI Commander in coordination with the Coordinating Team Peacekeeping Missions.
Funding needed for the task of Konga Task Force of MI-17 Helicopter of TNI MINUSMA, according to this Presidential Regulation, will be charged to the State Budget (APBN) of the Ministry of Defense, and the United Nations budget for the sending, operation, personnel treatments, equipment maintenance, replacement, and the addition or strengthening of Konga Task Force of MI-17 Helicopter TNI MINUSMA in the ongoing mission.
As for the funding charged to the state budget include: a. Personnel Preparation of Konga Task Force of Mi-17 Helicopter of TNI MINUSMA accordance with UN requests qualifications; b. Procurement and / or the purchase of equipment and supplies to individuals and unitary, as well as special equipment is needed by Konga Task Force MI-17 Helicopter of TNI MINUSMA; c. Increased capacity of personnel and improvement of the technical specifications of equipment already provided, but does not meet the technical specifications of the United Nations; and d. The withdrawal of Konga Task Force of MI-17 Helicopter of TNI MINUSMAdue to the domestic needs. (Pusdatin/ES)