Indonesian Inventors Obtain Permission to Distribute Five Types of Ventilators

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Juni 2020
Category: News
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Emergency ventilator that has obtained permission to produce and market (Photo by: Minister of Research and Technology/BRIN).

Ministry of Research and Technology/the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN)’s COVID-19 Research and Innovation Consortium members have obtained permission from Ministry of Health to distribute five types of ventilators.

For the record, the Research and Innovation Consortium was created as a rapid effort to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. The members have invented 57 products to combat the pandemic which were launched on National Awakening Day of 20 May 2020 by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

The permission was obtained after the success in the certification test conducted by the Health Facilities Safety Center (BPFK) of Ministry of Health. The five ventilators immediately entered the stage of mass production and some were produced in hundreds and have been utilized by some hospitals.

Minister of Research and Technology/Head of the BRIN Bambang Brodjonegoro was impressed and grateful for this success. “Imagine, research and innovation usually will be carried out in a minimum of one fiscal year but in three months, they have produced extraordinary and quality products which are needed by Indonesian people, at the same time, other nations have also competed to make the products,” Bambang said at BJ Habibie Building, Jakarta, Friday (19/6).

The Minister emphasized that the key is collaboration, partnership, and cooperation. “COVID-19 which is a formidable challenge for Indonesia and the world is proven to be able to unite the determination and enthusiasm of inventors and innovators from the government, academia, and the private sector to collaborate and work together to overcome the pandemic together,” he stated.

The five types of ventilators are:


Ambu Bag and Cam based ventilator is developed by the BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) and PT LEN.

BPPT3S-LEN has obtained the Ministry of Health’s Medical Device Distribution Permit Number ADK 20403020870. Currently, PT LEN is in the process of producing 100 ventilator units.


This ventilator was developed by the LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) in collaboration with PT Gerlink Utama Mandiri.

To date, the HFNC (High Flow Nasal Cannula) ventilator will be used to prevent patients from failing to breathe without having to be intubated using an invasive ventilator by providing high-flow oxygen therapy. To date, five units have been produced.

GERLIP HFNC-01 has obtained the Ministry of Health’s Medical Device Distribution Permit Number ADK 20403020951.

  1. Vent-I Origin

Vent-I is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) ventilator developed by the Salman Mosque ITB Trustees Foundation collaborating with Padjadjaran University and ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology).

Vent-I has obtained the Ministry of Health’s Medical Device Distribution Permit Number ADK 20403020696.

On 19 June, as many as 139 first Vent-I units have been distributed to hospitals. The total production target for Vent-I is around 800-900 units.

  1. COVENT-20

Covent-20 is developed by researchers from FTUI (Faculty of Engineering of University of Indonesia) and FKUI (Faculty of Medicine of University of Indonesia), Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Persahabatan Hospital, the Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health Jakarta II, Department of Electromedical Engineering.

COVENT-20 is easy to carry and can be used in an emergency. COVENT-20 has two operating modes namely CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and CMV (Continuous Mandatory Ventilation) mode.

CPAP Ventilation Mode is operated when the patient’s condition is still conscious to help oxygenate the patient’s lungs, while the CMV Mode is operated when the patient is unconscious or experiences difficulty in regulating his breath, to take over the patient’s respiratory function. Both of these modes can be used when the patient is at home or while traveling (in an ambulance), but not in the isolation room.

COVENT-20 has obtained the Ministry of Health’s Medical Device Distribution Permit Number AKD 20403021003. Several medical device manufacturers including PT Enesers Mitra Berkah, PT Graha Teknomedika, and PT PINDAD have produced around 300 units. The devices are calibrated by several medical device calibration companies.

  1. DHARCOV-23S

DHARCOV-23S is an emergency CMV and CPAP based pneumatic ventilator.

This ventilator was developed by the BPPT in collaboration with PT Dharma Precission Tools and has obtained the Ministry of Health’s Medical Device Distribution Permit Number AKD 20403020892. To date, Dharcov-23S has entered the mass production phase.

As many as 200 ventilators will be produced in the first batch. As of 19 June 2020, 100 units of ventilators have been produced and calibrated, while the rest will be completed by the end of the third week of June 2020.

In addition to the five ventilators, the BPPT in collaboration with PT Polijaya is also developing BPPT3S-Poly which is still in the stage of certification test.

In the meantime, Gadjah Mada University cooperating with Toyota and the local industry, develops three types of ventilators, namely the fully-featured ventilator (high end) version, the low-cost version, and the Ambu bag conversion version.

ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology) through the Ventilator Team of the ITS Physics Engineering Department has also created a Simple and Low-Cost Mechanical Ventilator or Robot Ventilator. (Bureau of Cooperation and Public Communication of Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN/EN)



Translated by: Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Reviewed by: Mia M. Bonaedy

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