Indonesian Women can be Anything They Want, Cabinet Secretary Says

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung speaks in an interview at his office, Jakarta, Sunday (21/4). (Photo by: Jay/PR Division)
Indonesian women have gone one step further than their sisters in the United States, according to Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung.
Today, dichotomy between men and women does not matter anymore because women can do any jobs/professions as men do, the Cabinet Secretary said in an interview to commemorate Kartinis Day, on Sunday (21/4), at his office, Jakarta.
Pramono went on to say that there are nine female ministers in President Joko Widodos Working Cabinet, including, minister of finance, minister of foreign affairs, coordinating minister for human development and culture. In fact, former President Megawati Soekarnoputri was Indonesia’s first female president.
Therefore, Indonesian women can dream big because they can be anything they want. We do not need to argue about gender differences in employment since everyone, regardless the gender, can hold position not only in politics, but also in sports, Pramono said adding that the development of Indonesian women in this democratic age is remarkable.
According to the Cabinet Secretary, the Government must maintain such achievement and encourage women to compete in global scale. In addition, Indonesian women can be a role model for women from other muslim countries for being both housewife and working woman.
Comparing to other countries, opportunities to support women’s advancement in Indonesia is always open. Thus, they must grasp the opportunities so they can be anything they want to be. We have female chefs who work at international restaurants, we also have female director in Hollywood, and female entrepreneurs who work on construction, and transportation sectors, Pramono firmly said.
The Cabinet Secretary also expressed his respect and hope to every Indonesian women to stand for their rights and be equal to men in developing the country. He also said that Indonesia is heading toward demographic bonus and predicted to become the worlds 4th most powerful economies in 2045. When that time comes, the role of Indonesian women will be vital not only in Indonesia but also in global scale. (SLN/AIT/JAY/OJI/ES)
Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Yuyu Mulyani