Interest Rate of 12%, the Families with Regular Income Could Get KUR

By Humas     Date 7 Oktober 2015
Category: News
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Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution announced the Third Policy Package to reporters at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (7/10) evening

In the Third Policy Package announced by Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (7/10), the government is also expanding the scope of the distribution People’s Business Credit (KUR), that interest has been lowered from 22 percent to 12 percent per year.

In the Third Policy Package, the families that have a regular income, accented may receive KUR for productive business sector.

“The families who have a regular income or employees, in the old category, the employees can not be given KUR, because it is considered will be consumptive. But many employees whose families have their own businesses, so that along as it is used for productive activities, then the KUR given as productive KUR categorized,” Nasution said.

Land Permits

In the Third Policy Package, the government also simplified the land permits for investment activities. Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution explained, in order to support the economy in the field of economy, the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial/BPN revise the ministerial decree No. 2 the Year 2015 on service standards and agrarian arrangements.

“The contents concern the granting of land rights, especially the right to cultivate. There is also an extension of the rights, and it is all simplified with a much shorter time. In addition to the extension of rights, there is also renewal right,” Nasution said.

Coordinating Minister for Economy pointed an example, that for the  Business Utilize Rights (HGU) from 30-90 days shortened to 20 working days for the land up to 200 hectares, while land over 200 hectares to 45 working days. Other than, the extension of HGU that had been 20-50 days shortened to 7 business days for the land up to 200 hectares, or 14 working days for that over 200 hectares,” Nasution said.

Finally, further Nasution, the extension of HGU is usually demanding. In the future will be simplified again. (DND/DNS/ES) Sy.

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