Introduction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia during Limited Cabinet Meeting on Maritime Affairs at Presidential Office, Jakarta, 15 October 2015

By Humas     Date 15 Oktober 2015
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation


AssalamuÂ’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

In this limited meeting, we will discuss program reinforcement in developing tourism and accelerating infrastrucure development in transportation sector.

I think all of you are aware that amid global economic slowdown, including in Indonesia, tourism sector is our fastest solution to move our economy.

Tourism visit, based on the report, in August 2015 was 850,000 tourists; increased by 2.87% compared to that in August 2014. Alhamdullilah, our tourist visit increased whereas the visit in almost all countries in Southeast Asia decreased. Therefore, it should be a momentum for us to increase tourist visit to our country.

I have seen that the promotion by the Ministry of Tourism is really good. Likewise, in CNN, it is also good. Probably, other televisions, I have not checked all of them, also have tourism promotion. In my view, we must improve our promotion and our products.

This is my introduction. I invite Coordinating Minister or Minister of Tourism to explain related matters. (Humas Setkab) (MMB/YM/Naster)

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