Introductory Remarks of President Joko Widodo at the Limited Cabinet Meeting on Jabodetabek Transportation Management, 8 January 2019, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 8 Januari 2019
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation 

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

Honourable Vice President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This afternoon, we will discuss transportation management in Jabodetabek (the Greater Jakarta).

We know that nowadays we get more traffic congestion in Jabodetabek, but we are also optimistic that the construction of MRT and LRT, as well as the existing Transjakarta, airport trains, and commuter lines will help improve traffic congestion in Jabodetabek.

In the future, the existing modes of transportation must be managed properly. Today, some of traffic management system is not well-integrated. We can see that some roads are owned by Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, some are owned by Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) Province, Banten Province, and West Java Province. Sometimes, the maintenance (of the roads) is not well-coordinated.

The second is the intermodal transportation should be integrated. Later, when MRT, LRT, airport trains and Transjakarta are all set for use, we have to encourage the public to use mass transportation in order to significantly reduce car usage.

The Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency) have reported that the traffic congestion in Jabodetabek has caused approximately Rp65 trillion loss per year. With that amount of money, we would have finished MRT and LRT in five years. It is impossible to let this inefficiency continue. We have to be brave enough to start and make plan to overcome the problem so that the Rp65 trillion funds will become valuable goods, not smoke.

The third is related to the management of TOD (Transit-Oriented Development). The system has been not effective for decades because the management is under several different authorities: Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) Province, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, several other Government Ministries, West Java Province and Banten Province. Therefore, we must carefully design and calculate the integration between intermodal city transportation and spatial planning. One of the measures is by increasing public access to mass transportation through development of the existing TODs.

I think that is my introductory remarks for today. The point is that we should simplify the existing management to increase coordination among the Government institutions.

I thank you.(PR Division of Cabinet Secretariat)(RI/AW/YM/Naster)

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