Introductory Remarks of President Joko Widodo at the Limited Meeting on Strengthening the Role of National Logistics Agency (BULOG) in National Food Security, at the Presidential Office on 13 June 2017

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 13 Juni 2017
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh,

Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen, previously, I have reminded you all several times that food security, food sovereignty is very essential for all of us.

Food is a matter of life and death for a nation. At this moment, what people need is not only the availability of good-quality, nutritious, and affordable food, but also our effort to support farmers and food producers so they do not suffer from disadvantage, and we hope that they have more prosperous life.

Therefore, the state’s participation is required to ensure that the people as the consumer have no difficulty in obtaining food materials because they are available in the market and can be bought in affordable prices.

In addition to that, the state should also participate to ensure that the farmers as the producer can be more productive and more prosperous because the comodities are priced reasonably and fairly. The state should also participate in order to ease the distribution of the food commodities and to make supply chain more efficient.

That is my introductory remarks. Coordinating Minister, Minister, or Head of BULOG, the floor is yours. (PR, Cabinet Secretariat) (AW/YM/Naster)

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