Introductory Remarks of President Joko Widodo at the Limited Cabinet Meeting on the Evaluation of the Economic Policy Packages (1st to 12th Package), Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 4 pm at the Presidential Office, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 Mei 2016
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation

Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

Ladies and gentleman,

This afternoon, I would like to evaluate the Economic Policy Packages – from the First Package to the 12th Package – that we have implemented.

Let me reiterate that we must continue monitoring and evaluating all the Government’s priority programs, including those economic policy packages, be it by checking them directly on the ground or by reviewing the whole process.

And I will always check, check, and check to ensure whether those packages have been effectively implemented or not.  I also want to ensure that all economic policies that we have launched have been implemented or not.

I have received information that from the total 203 regulations (for the execution of the economic policy packages), 193 of them have been issued (as the basis for the new policies) and it equals to 95 percent. Only 10 regulations or 5 percent that are still at the final stage of discussion.

I want the de-regulation measures can really bring positive psychological impacts in that it can strengthen trust from business players. And we must really maintain the trust with continued consistency and concrete changes on the ground.

I also want to stress that measures in all those economic policy packages are well implemented on the ground, can really bring concrete changes, so that it will eventually bring about an increase in investment, strengthen micro, small and medium enterprises, rejuvenate industries, and increases our exports.

And last but not least, in order to ensure correct implementation of those economic policy packages, I am going to instruct Coordinating Minister for the Economy to establish a task force in charge of guarding the implementation of those packages and monitoring it in the region. The task force will be under direct supervision of the President. I hope that once all the regulations are finished, the task force will monitor the implementation, including in the regions, including on the ground, so as to avoid barriers on the ground.

That is what I can say and now I would like to invite Coordinating Minister for the Economy to have the floor.

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