Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at Limited Meeting on New Capital of Nusantara (IKN), Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, March 10, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 Maret 2022
Category: Introductory Remarks
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Honorable Mr. Vice President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This afternoon, we will continue our discussion on new capital of Nusantara (IKN), especially on matters related to land and institutions.

We know that we have just appointed Mr. Bambang Susantono as Chairperson of the Authority and Mr. Dhony Rahajoe as Vice-Chairperson of the Authority.

I believe this is an excellent combination of choices – Mr. Bambang’s track record as an ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) graduate majoring in civil infrastructure as well as urban planning, then graduate and post-graduate programs. He is also experienced in fields related to transportation and finance. He is also the ADB Vice President. I think he is well-rounded.

In addition, Mr. Dhony will assist as he has field experiences, especially the A to Z in the property sector. I believe both of them can communicate effortlessly with Mr. Suharso on the planning, with Minister of Public Works and Public Housing in the field, especially for the core government area, and with Mr. Luhut on investment because many seem interested in the IKN, both domestic and abroad.

I want both of them to work fast, especially on those related to institution. Do complete them soon. Then on matters related to land,  the handing over process with Minister of BPN (the National Land Agency), soon settle the status of land ownership in the IKN area. Do identify and verify land that may still be owned or controlled by companies or the communities.

We must also ensure that land acquisition in the IKN Nusantara area can only be transferred to institutions that require lands for IKN development.

Second, do really stop, not only tighten, but stop the issuance and transfer of land rights in the IKN area. I order Minister of ATR/BPN to really consolidate both regarding ownership and use of land in the area.

Third, on the spatial plan in the IKN area, speed up the release of forest areas in the IKN area, especially those in government-owned areas.

Fourth, on the establishment of legislation that is a derivative of IKN Law. Do finalize it. We hope it will be completed by this March.

Fifth, related to IKN secretariat as bureaucratic machine to assist the implementation of tasks of the authority, also do finalize them both in the office and maybe in Balikpapan city. I also hope the authority, for the deputy, do recruit local people, so that we really involve the community in the region and communicate with various elements on why we must relocate.

So, do relay matters related to GDP distribution, inequality between Java island and outside of Java, population density in Java, 56 percent of Indonesia’s population live in Java, 58 percent of the GDP comes from Java. Do state that we will repair Jakarta, not abandon it. So, that perception is inaccurate.

This concludes my remarks. Do it fast, please because I actually just wanted to introduce Mr. Bambang and Mr. Dhony this afternoon, so that later every matter related to this can continue fast.

I thank you.


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