Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at Plenary Cabinet Meeting on Strategies in the Implementation of 2021 State Budget Tuesday, 1 December 2020 at the State Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 Desember 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

May peace be upon us all,

Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greeting of virtue.

Distinguished Vice President, Coordinating Ministers, Ministers, and Heads of Institutions.

On today’s plenary cabinet meeting, I would like to deliver good news and also some other issues that we should pay close attention to.

First, it is regarding COVID-19. We know that we have been managed the pandemic for around nine months. As of 30 November, the recovery rate in the country stood at 83.6 percent. This figure is far better than the global average recovery rate at 69.03 percent. It is getting better, much better.

Regarding the number of active cases in Indonesia, it is also reduced. The figure stood at 16.69 percent in September, and reduced to 14.26 percent in October and 13.75 percent in November. Let me repeat once again, 16.69 percent in September, 14.26  percent in October, and 13.75 percent in November. It is getting better each month. The active cases is currently 13.25 percent, which is much better than the global average number of active cases at 28.55 percent.

However, we must also work harder to reduce the death rate which stands at 3.1 percent, while the global death rate is at 2.32 percent. I think it is because at the beginning of the pandemic, there are delays in using ventilators (for COVID-19 patients), and other factors.

Considering that indicators, we are very optimistic in its extensive efforts in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, if a slight increase persists, I will definitely give a strong warning because we don’t want this to continue to occur. Therefore, I reminded it over and over again because there is a slight increase that must be curbed. There is an increase in the number of cases in some cities/regencies that must be stopped. Do not let the number increases. We must also pay close attention to several provinces.

The second point is in relation to the 2020 budget realization. It is only about three weeks left. So, I instruct everyone to concentrate on the budget realization.

Third, it is regarding the 2021 budget. I instruct ministries, both those with large budgets and ministries/institutions with moderate and small budgets, to spend it immediately at the beginning of the year or in January. Do not start spending in February.

I remind you once again, all expenditures can be realized in early January, at the beginning of the year, so the auction should start now, because the Budget Implementation Entry List (DIPA) has already been distributed, the auction process could be carried out immediately.

And that concludes my remarks at today’s plenary cabinet meeting.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



Translated by Rany Anjany S
Reviewed by Lulu W

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