Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Limited Cabinet Meeting (Through Video Conference) on Mitigation of the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism and Creative Economy Sectors, Thursday, 16 April 2020, at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 17 April 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


We know that, due to COVID-19, the first and most severe impacted sector is tourism, whether the hotels, restaurants, or concerning the people such as handicraft items sold there.

Therefore, mitigation measures need to be done as soon as possible. First, the social protection program for workers in the tourism sector really must be ensured in its implementation and must reach its targets.

Then, second,  the existing budget from Ministry of Tourism should be reallocated to, I don’t know what kind yet, but such a labor-intensive program for workers engaged in tourism sector.

Then, third,  preparation of economic stimulus for businesses in the tourism and creative economy sectors shall be carried out so that they can survive and refrain from massive layoffs.

I believe, I believe this will end at the end of this year. Next year, there will be a boom in tourism sector. Everyone wants to get out, everyone wants to enjoy the beauty of tourist destinations. This optimism must be continuously instilled. Do not let us get caught up in pessimism because of COVID-19 so that we can benefit from the boom which will emerge after COVID-19 is over.


This concludes my introduction.

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