Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Limited Cabinet Meeting (Through Video Conference) on Report from COVID-19 Task Force, 30 March 2020 at the Bogor Presidential Palace

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 30 Maret 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Good afternoon.

May prosperity be upon us all.

On this afternoon’s Limited Cabinet Meeting, I would like to listen to the report from the COVID-19 Task Force.

Before that, I need to emphasize several things. First, the protection of health workers and the provision of medicines and medical equipment should be the highest priority. We should ensure that all doctors, medical personnel and nurses can work safely, with adequate medical equipment.

On 23 March, the Central Government sent 165,000 PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to all Provinces. I have ordered that it should be closely monitored and the province should immediately send and distribute the PPE to hospitals in the area so that they can provide good health services to the people.

The report that I received states that the PPE supply is increasingly limited and our calculation shows that we need approximately 3 million PPE until the end of May. Therefore, I have ordered the acceleration of procurement for PPE and I ask that domestic products should also be used. The data shows that there are 28 companies that produce PPE in our country. To support PPE production, I have ordered to facilitate raw materials from imports.

I have ordered the accelerated development for ventilator production because our country and many other countries experience shortage of ventilators. It should also be produced domestically.

Second, in addition to medical equipment, I also demand the availability of rapid tests, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), VTM (Viral Transfer Media) for swift examination in the laboratory. For the rapid test, I have ordered that the priority should be for health workers and their family and particularly those who are under the status of ODP. The Governor has previously said that there is high demand for laboratory testing devices, including reagents, PCR and VTM. Therefore, supply for the aforementioned devices should be maintained.

Third, it is related to the service information system in referral hospital, including the availability of treatment rooms in emergency hospitals, such as the Wisma Atlet. The system should be ready and the registration system should be integrated to online system to provide better service.

Fourth, I have ordered that a large-scale social restrictions policy and physical distancing policy should be more strictly implemented with more disciplined and more effective measures. I have previously said that it needs to be supported by civil emergency policy.

I also ask for pharmacies and grocery stores to remain open to serve the people by implementing strict physical distancing protocol. For MSMEs, business owners, and informal workers, we have previously discussed that the Government will immediately prepare social protection programs and economic stimulus. We will announce this later to the public.

I think that concludes my introductory remarks in this auspicious occasion.

Lastly, in implementing large-scale social restrictions policy, I have ordered that clearer implementing regulations should be drafted as guidelines for Provinces, Regencies and Cities to implement the policy. And I remind all of you that the policy of quarantine, including regional quarantine, is domain of the Central Government, not domain of the Regional Government.

I think that is my introductory remarks. I hope all Ministers can ensure that the Central Government and Regional Governments should have the same vision. We should have one vision, have the same policy. Everything should be calculated, everything should be measured, including the impacts on health sector and on social economy.

I think that concludes my introductory remarks.
I thank you.


Transalated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by : Mia Medyana B

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