Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Limited Cabinet Meeting (through Video Conference) on the Report of COVID-19 Mitigation and National Economic Recovery (PEN) Working Committee, Monday, 12 October 2020 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 12 Oktober 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Today, I would like to address several things regarding COVID-19 and the economy. First, based on the data I received as of 11 October, the average active case of COVID-19 in Indonesia is 19.97 percent. I think this is a good trend since the figure is lower than the global average rate of COVID-19 active cases which stood at 22.1 percent. We are better. And it is also better than our previous average active cases on 27 September 2020 which reached 22.46 percent. Therefore, the drop in cases  is clearly visible, from 22.46 percent to 19.97 percent.

Second, as of 11 October 2020, the average recovery rate has reached 76.48 percent and the figure is better than the global average recovery rate at 75.03 percent. This is getting better. Therefore, the recovery rate must continue to be improved by upgrading the standard of treatment in the hospital, ICU, and in isolation places.

And we have also managed to reduce the average mortality rate—although the number is still above the global average rate—to 3.55 percent. This figure is better than that of two weeks ago which stood at 3.77 percent. However, it is still higher than the global mortality rate at 2.88 percent. I think that is our big mission, to reduce mortality rate.

Furthermore, the important thing for us to do is to continue to suppress positive cases by continuously disseminating the importance of discipline in implementing health protocol. I noted that based on the existing figures in the provinces of East Java and South Sulawesi, it shows an improvement in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. I think this can be used as an example for other provinces and I order that the eight priority provinces to be monitored carefully. Likewise, the testing, tracing, and treatment procedures will continue to be improved so that the gap between provinces, especially on testing, can be resolved.

I also order that these 12 cities/regencies to be prioritized in the next two weeks since they have more than 1,000 active cases or accounting for 30 percent of the total national active cases, namely Ambon City, North Jakarta, Bogor, Depok City, Bekasi Regency, Jayapura City, Padang City, Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, Pekanbaru City, South Jakarta, and East Jakarta.

Fifth, I specifically order that the roadmap for vaccination be delivered this week so that we know what we are going to do.

Then, regarding issue on economic recovery process. As of 7 October, I’ve learned that budget realization, specifically the budget realization for social assistance cluster has reached 66 percent, while for MSMEs assistance cluster has reached 76 percent, and for the additional cluster for energy subsidies has reached 94 percent.

That concludes my remarks.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.



Translated by Galuh Wicaksono
Reviewed by Muhardi

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