Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Opening of National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute (LDII) and Inauguration of Minhaajurrosyidiin Multi-Purpose Building, at Minhaajurrosyidiin Grand Ballroom, East Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, November 7, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 November 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, Asyhadu alla Ilaha Illallah Wahdahu laa Syarikalah, wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluh, Alladzi laa Nabiyya Ba’da, Amma Ba’du.

Distinguished Heads of Government Institutions in attendance;

Distinguished Ministers of the Onward Indonesia Cabinet  including Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Minister of Defense, Minister of Trade, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces, Police Chief in attendance;

Distinguished Bapak KH. Sulton Aulia, Chair of the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute (LDII) Central Advisory Board Bapak KH. Edy Suparto Saefudin;

Distinguished Chair of Central Management Board of the LDII Chriswanto Santoso, Heads of LDII boarding schools, Executive Management of LDII Area Management Board and Regional Management Board across Indonesia;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished Guests,

We often expressed our hope for the 2045 Golden Indonesia vision on many occasions, including the statement from LDII Chairperson earlier. Indonesia will be blessed with demographic bonus by 2030s and it usually occurs only once in a country’s civilization history. The question is: Can we seize the opportunity to make a leap? It is true that the key, as Mr. Chriswanto stated earlier, lies on the human development. The LDII is also on the right track, the statement of Mr. Chriswanto emphasizing nationalism, faith, education, health as factors that build Indonesian characters was also on point.

However, achieving Golden Indonesia is not an easy task; we have to address several challenges. Many Latin American countries failed to make a leap and become developed countries. They were developing countries back in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s but up until now they are still developing countries and even least developed countries. They have failed in raking the opportunity. We do not want to become them. InshaAllah, God willing, we can overcome it as long as we hold the spirit of today’s event. We must have the spirit because we are now facing many challenges.

I have mentioned that 2024, 2029, and 2034 are crucial years to determine the advancement of Indonesia. Thus, a strong national leadership, strong unity and solidarity are needed. Without them, it will not be easy to overcome those challenges.

Global challenges; there are many global challenges. One, global economic uncertainty. The current global economy is uncertain. One economic issue is solved but other issue rises. Thus, once again, strong leadership is needed. It is reflected by pencak silat performance earlier, where the General Chairman [of pencak silat Association] is Pak Prabowo and the Secretary General is Pak Teddy. LDII is so good in symbolism. Once again, the first is global economic uncertainty which is unpredictable and hard to calculate.

Second, climate change is unpredictable and cannot be calculated. Years ago, climate change is only a warning but it really happens today. Droughts are occurring in almost all countries now; the earth’s temperature is rising, heat waves. Yesterday, seven provinces experienced droughts, so our rice production declined, everyone experienced it. Formerly, when we wanted to import rice, all countries said that they have million tons of rice.

But now it is hard to find countries who want to export rice, you can ask Zulkifli Hasan about it. All countries keep their rice stock to save their people. There are 22 countries that used to export rice but they stop right now. I think it is a right thing to put food security as our next program.

Global economic uncertainty is the first point; the second is climate change; the third is war. The war in Ukraine has not yet finished, but now war also rages in Gaza.  I used to think, and I guess many also think that Ukraine is so far from Indonesia. What could be the impacts of the war to Indonesia? It should not bring significant impacts to us. Apparently, the impacts are real and exist. We import 11 million tons of wheat per year. Around 30 percent is imported by Ukraine and Russia. Since there is war happening, shipping vessel could not transport the wheat; they stop transporting goods.  Moreover, raw materials for fertilizer are from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus; that is the second problem. As a consequence, prices of fertilizer and wheat increase. Once again, we import 11 million tons of wheat; such a huge amount, because in Indonesia we cannot grow wheat.

Especially now with the war in Gaza. It seems I used to think, we all probably thought the same, Ukraine is very far from Indonesia. What is the impact? It won’t have an impact on us. Apparently, the impact is real and exists. We import 11 million tons of wheat per year. It turns out that 30 percent of the imports were from Ukraine and Russia. The ships didn’t dare to send goods because there was a war, everything stopped. Not just there. Second, it turns out that our fertilizer raw materials come from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the second problem. So what, the price of fertilizer and wheat also raised. Once again, our imports are already large, 11 million tons of wheat, because in Indonesia we cannot grow wheat.

When I met with President Zelensky, he told me, “President Jokowi, 77 million tons of wheat in Ukraine cannot be exported.” When I visited Russia, I talked with President Putin for three hours, he also told me that in Russia there were 130 million tons of wheat that could not be exported. It means that 207 million tons of wheat remain in Ukraine and Russia; meaning that many countries cannot get enough food due to war in Ukraine. We are not experiencing it because we look for other countries when Ukraine and Russia stop exporting wheat.

Please also mind the war in Gaza. Though it is far from here, our support to Palestine will not stop. You should watch Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi when speaking before the UN Security Council. She was the most vocal, the loudest and the most opposing. It also surprised me since I know Minister Retno is very gentle but she can be intimidating at the UN Security Council.

Once again, we have the opportunities and also enormous challenges. That is why our future needs a strong national leadership, strong unity and solidarity that can embrace all people for the state unity and solidarity in achieving our grand 2045 Golden Indonesia vision. The future challenges will be harder. However, I believe we can achieve our vision as long as we develop our character and human resources.

And lastly, I have a simple question. What is far from the eyes but close to the heart? Raise your hand if you can answer it. This one who answer it loudly.

Participant of the LDII National Working Meeting
I am from Mojokerto, Mr. President.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
From Mojokerto. What is far from the eyes but close to the heart?

Participant of the LDII National Working Meeting
That’s easy, the answer is bile.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
If you ask me, I think LDII members are smart. That’s correct. Your answer is correct, Sir. You may return to your seat. And for the ladies, what is the new capital of Indonesia? You can answer it, Ma’am. What is the new capital of Indonesia.

Participant of the LDII National Working Meeting
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, God willing, it’s IKN in 2024, Mr. President.

Thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Can you elaborate more about IKN…

Participant of the LDII National Working Meeting
Ah, the capital is Paser Penajam.

Thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
The Capital of…

Participant of the LDII National Working Meeting
The Republic of Indonesia.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
The new capital of Indonesia?

Participant of the LDII National Working Meeting

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
The new capital of Indonesia?

Participant of the LDII National Working Meeting

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
That’s correct, IKN Nusantara.

I think that concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officially open the 2023 National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Institute (LDII) and inaugurate the Minhaajurrosyidiin Multi-Purpose Building, located in Cipayung district, East Jakarta city, Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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