Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia during Plenary Cabinet Meeting, at State Palace, Jakarta, May 9, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 9 Mei 2022
Category: Introductory Remarks
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Ladies and gentlemen, Honorable Participants of the Plenary Cabinet Meeting.

On this Eid-al-Fitr occasion, I wish you a happy Eid-al-Fitr 1443 Hijri. Minal aidin wal faizin, let us forgive each other.

First of all, I want all of us to keep concentrating on issues related to pandemic and also the current global economic turmoil that has not over yet, and it has caused uncertainties in all countries’ economy.

First, related to COVID-19, there were 227 confirmed cases yesterday. It is indeed a very low number, yet we must be cautious because there are still 6,192 active cases. So, we must be cautious, we still have to be cautious. On Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM), many people are waiting for confirmation whether it has stopped or it still continues. It still continues. So, after this meeting, inform [them] that PPKM still continues until we are sure that the COVID-19 situation is 100 percent under control.

Second, I would like to extend my appreciation to all ranks of Ministries, the Indonesian National Police (Polri), and the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) that have managed the traffic flows before and after the Eid-al-Fitr holiday. In general, alhamdulillah, the traffic flows are well-managed, so there are no significant complaints, only minor ones. However, the situations where traffic congestions occurred in 1.5 to 2 days that had happened before can be overcome. I have seen the preparation of the management and the execution is running well, everything is under control. So, in this remaining time, the traffic flows after the Eid-al-Fitr should be monitored continuously.

Third, related to our vigilance on global economic turmoil. Beware that until today the Ukrainian war is not over yet and it seems that it will take a long time, so the global uncertainties are becoming more uncertain. First, due to the war. Second, due to the monetary policy of the USA which is more aggressive to curb inflation, and this will cause recession in many countries.

Therefore, the macro- and microeconomic management should be monitored thoroughly. All Ministries related to the issues should keep monitoring it, especially issues related to food and energy. Yesterday, I have asked Cabinet Secretary to hold a Limited Cabinet Meeting every week on PPKM. Likewise, the same applies to food and energy issues; they should be discussed every week, because the management of the issues is very important for stabilization, our economic stability, especially for the stability of basic commodities’ prices.

Fourth, I want to remind all of you to develop deep sensitivity related to potential crises in Indonesia in facing global crises, although BPS-Statistics Indonesia has released that in the first quarter, our economic growth has been normal and good at 5.01 percent. Compared to other countries, I think the number shows that our growth is very good, so we must maintain it and upgrade it in the second quarter.

Beware of the dry season. Beware of the potential forest and land fires. Also, beware of the nail and mouth diseases of the cattle that I have talked about to the Ministers yesterday. I ask Minister of Agriculture to immediately implement a zoning-based lockdown, regional lockdown, in order to effectively prevent the mobility of the cattle, from one regency to another regency, or from one province to another province. Besides [my request to] the Ministry of Agriculture, I also ask Polri Chief to completely prevent the mobility of the cattle from areas that have been identified with the nail and mouth diseases. Form task forces, so it is clear who will be responsible for it.

Fifth, I would like to underscore that the State Budget (APBN), the Regional Budget (APBD), and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) should be able to create independency and economic sustainability, so it is important to accelerate the realization of the expenditures of APBN, APBD, and also BUMN’s budget in order to maintain consumption and purchasing power.

I ask all related Ministers to monitor purchasing in every ministry/institution as well as in the regions and BUMN. Again, pay attention to the quality of purchasing. The outcome should make impact on the economy of marginal people. I have mentioned many times about buying domestic products as many as we can related to APBN, APBD, or BUMN’s budget.

Sixth, related to the 2024 General Elections stages that will start in the middle of this year. I also ask Ministers/Heads of Institutions to stay focused on their respective tasks. National strategic agendas that remain our priorities must be ensured to be well-implemented, and the general elections will be held in a good and smooth manner, without any hindrance.

That concludes my introductory remarks in this Plenary Cabinet Meeting. Thank you.


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