Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Limited Cabinet Meeting (Through Video Conference) on the Additional Discussion for the Anticipation of Annual Exodus Ahead of Eid Al-Fitr, Thursday, 2 April 2020 At Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 April 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


Distinguished Vice President,

Ladies and Gentlemen.


First of all, we continue the discussion on mudik (annual exodus ahead of Eid al-Fitr) and the anticipatory measures.


First, I want to remind you that we have declared public health emergency and large-scale social distancing (PSBB) as common references. And I need to emphasize once more, that starting from the President, Ministers, Governors, Regents, Mayors, to the Village Heads, must have the same vision, the same strategy, the same way in solving the problems we face right now.


The references are clear, the procedures are also clear. And the Minister of Health will immediately set in more detail in the ministerial regulation the criteria for regional to obtain the PSBB status and which steps that can be done by the region. And I instruct the ministerial regulation to be completed within a maximum of two days.


Next, I want you to prepare comprehensive scenarios on the mudik flow. Please not only see it from regional interests, but also see it as a whole from upstream, midstream, and downstream.


I notice, this one is for mudik, in order to calm the community; we might discuss to look for an alternative to replace national holidays on another days for the Eid holidays. The second, by also provide facilities for people to go mudik on the substitute days. Then, we can also provide the tourist attractions owned by the regional governments free  of charge. I think if we can implement these scenarios, we can help  the community feel calm.


For upstream intervention, I notice that the social protection assistance and economic stimulus will be very helpful in day-to-day survival, especially in the capital city. The Jakarta Governor has also said yesterday that 3.6 million people in the capital need to be listed in the social safety net and the Jakarta Regional Government has provide subsidy for 1.1 million people, meaning that we need to prepare for the rest of 2.5 million  people.


For midstream intervention, I think limiting people’s movements or physical distancing is in accordance with the health protocol. With strong discipline, I think it has a big influence on the number of positive COVID-19. And if we look at the current season, I think the weather will also greatly influence the spread of COVID-19.


Then the downstream, I also see the regional government has starting to carry out supervision and control at the regional level, mainly at the sub-district and village levels. I want to encourage participation at the community level, both RW and RT, so that travelers returning from Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) can be treated as people in monitoring (ODP) so they must carry out self-quarantine. In addition, yesterday I also said that the Village Funds can also be used for social safety nets in the villages.


That is my introductory remarks.


Thank you.

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