Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia H.E. Joko Widodo at the Limited Meeting on the Evaluation of National Strategic Project Implementation and Priority Programs in Gorontalo Province, on Tuesday, 6 June 2017, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 Juni 2017
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation 


Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

This afternoon,we will evaluate the national strategic project implementation and priority programs in Gorontalo Province. Good afternoon, Mr. Governor.

I note Gorontalo Province can grow rapidly, which in 2016, the economic growth reached 6.52 percent, which was higher than the rate of national economy development. However, I also want to remind all that high economy development is not enough, because based on the data that I have, it shows that the poverty percentage in Gorontalo Province is still high at 17.63 percent, which is still higher than national poverty percentage.

And in order to reduce the poverty rate, we can focus on the development of agriculture, fishery and forestry sectors. These sectors are not only playing a big role on today’s economic growth in Gorontalo, but also giving such huge contribution for labor absorption. I also note that Gorontalo has a diverse and excellent commodity production centers in agriculture sector such as rice plant, corn, coconut, copra, cacao, and also sugar cane.

Second, I want to pay special attention to the efforts of making additional value by developing agriculture and fishery-based industry. To that end, I ask the development of supporting infrastructure for the downstream industry be established as soon as possible, such as transportation infrastructure, logistic storages that include with cold storage, and also energy source, and clean water supply that need to be accelerated.

That is all my introductory remarks. Next, Mr. Governor will deliver his speech. The floor is yours. (PR, Cabinet Secretariat) (NM/MUR/AW/YM/Naster)

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