Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia H.E. Joko Widodo at the Plenary Cabinet Meeting, 1 February 2017, at the State Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 Februari 2017
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation 
Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,      
May peace be upon us all.
Before we listen to the presentation on 2018 Government Work Plan (RKP), the macroeconomic framework and the principles of fiscal policy, I want to emphasise some points to the ministers and heads of state institution.
First, in the beginning of 2017 financial year, I instruct all ministers and heads of state institution to remain focus, so that priority achievement and programs of each ministries can be done effectively and productively.
The budget increase have to make contribution to achievements. Therefore, we should be result-oriented, not procedure-oriented, yet still follow the procedure. Do not only focus on the budget absorption without paying attention to the results or achievements.
Budget absorption should be optimal. The results and achievements must be considerable as well. Therefore, the programs should be considered carefully including the programs in each ministry’s or institution’s organisational units so that all ministers and heads of state institutions can really see the detail.
We have to ensure that the programs are in concert with our national development priorities and can be productive as well as contribute to the economic growth. This is indeed necessary. The programs are expected to provide job opportunities, alleviate poverty and reduce inequality.
Last afternoon, I have mentioned some in Bogor. For examples, the capital expenditure of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) amounting to more than Rp400 trillion, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing amounting to Rp101 trillion, and Ministry of Transportation amounting to Rp46 trillion. The implementation should engage the people and the contractors in the regions, be more labour-intensive, and should involve as many contractors as possible in the regions. Therefore, small and medium contractors should also learn how to manage big projects. It also applies to other ministries. So, once again, the projects will be productive and will contribute to the national and regional economic growth, will provide job opportunities, and will reduce poverty as well as disparties.
Do not handle the projects single-handedly, particularly in SOEs, because SOEs have subsidiary companies. Usually, they do all the works. So please involve small enterprises as well as small and medium contractors in the regions.
We also have to directly control and monitor the implementation, so that the quality can be maintained, and the planning is well-implemented. Do not let any deviation to be happened. It has to be prevented from the beginning.
Second, the key to the effectiveness of the implementation of the government’s program is synergy, coordination and good consolidation between the central government and regional governments. In the central level, I instruct Coordinating Minister to ensure the implementation of the programs which are carried out by ministries and institutions as well as the central government and regional governments to be synchronized, and most importantly is to be more efficient. I notice that there are still potential budget inefficiency because ministries/institutions have same planning and budgeting for similar programs, such as those concerning IT, procurement of vessels, radars, or aids for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Please pay more attention to this issue.
Third, I instruct all Ministers and Heads of Institutions to improve good public communication by visiting villages, pesantren (islamic boarding schools), campuses and medias. I have said this many times and I think it is the third time.
We should let people know what have been done because we have been working all day. We do not want the people misunderstand because of poor communication. We have to be proactive. We have to inform the people what have been done, what are being done and what will be done.
Later, I will ask the spokesman of President to tell us in five minutes, perhaps at the end of this meeting, about the things that I have instructed.
We have to be more proactive because people should be aware of all the Government’s hard works, including the obstacles. It is necessary to clarify and give explanation related to incorrect news reported in the media. Therefore, people can also offer ideas and feel involved and engaged in the implemented programs.
Lots of information from various sources are inaccurate news and hoaxes. Everyone can be sources and make their own news. We have to respond it immediately and do not let the news spread any further without clear explanation.
That is all I can say. (PR Cabinet Secretariat)(Ro/AW/YM/Naster)
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