Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia in the Limited Cabinet Meeting on the Report of Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Mitigation Monday, 20 April 2020 at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 April 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


Distinguished Vice President,

Ladies and Gentlement,


Today, I want to make a total evaluation of what we have done in handling COVID-19, especially the evaluation of PSBB (large-scale social restriction). (I want an) in-depth report on the strengths and shortcomings (of the PSBB), so we can improve them.

First, I want to emphasize to all provinces, regencies and municipalities the importance of, first, massive sample testing, followed by progressive tracking, and strict isolation for those who have exposed. We should encourage these three things continuously to all regions. Once again, massive sample testing, aggressive tracking, and strict isolation.

Second, I also really appreciate the ways of using technology for medical consultation.. And I think this should be further expanded and developed to be telemedicine, so that the contact between patients and doctors can be reduced.

Third, regarding the improvement in hospital referral system and handling management. This is to avoid the overcapacity of our referral hospitals. The handling management must really be organized, which case is moderate, mild, or severe whom requires more intensive treatment at the hospital.

Fourth, regarding open communication. Systems, data, and information must be open to all entities. Don’t let people assume that we are covering up. We cover up nothing since the beginning.

Fifth, the shipment, we must ensure that there will be no obstacles for the logistics distribution and smooth production. Make sure that food stocks are sufficient. Make sure that when Ramadan comes we really have a certainty about food stocks.

Finally, I found that the social assistance distribution had begun massively this morning. Starting firstly for 1.2 (million families) in Jakarta, then Greater Jakarta (Bodetabek), and later in other areas.

I urge the social assistance for the underprivileged is truly on target. Please carry out supervision control, field check, so that the assistance can be well-received by the recipients and, once again, well-targeted.

That is for my introductory remarks.



Translated by Galuh Wicaksono H

Reviewed by Lulu W

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