Introductory Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on a Limited Cabinet Meeting through Video Conference on the COVID-19 Task Force Report, Monday, 4 May 2020 at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 4 Mei 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


Distinguished Mr. Vice President,

Ladies and Gentlemen.


Before listening to the report from the Chairperson of Task Force Team, I would like to highlight some issues.

First, related to the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) imposed in four provinces and 22 regencies and cities. I want to ensure that the restrictions are implemented strictly and effectively. I have seen that several regencies and cities have passed the first phase of the restrictions and will prepare for the second phase. The implementation should be evaluated, which implementation is uncompromising, too strict and still lenient. The evaluation is important so that we can make improvements in the cities, regencies, and provinces that implement the restrictions.

Second, every region that imposes the restrictions must have measurable targets. There are targets, for instance, the number of samples that has been tested, PCR tests that have been performed, whether aggressive tracking has been conducted, how many people have been traced in a day, these actions must be carried out. Then, whether a strict self-isolation is also conducted since I learned that those who tested positive could still run away from the hospital, patients under surveillance (PDPs) can still do their activities here and there. Whether people vulnerable to the disease, the elderlies, people with pre-existing conditions, with comorbid conditions have been protected properly. These kinds of measurable evaluations should be carried out.

Third, we must closely monitor the potential of virus transmission in several clusters. They are migrant workers cluster, tablighi jamaat congregation cluster, Gowa cluster, mudik travelers cluster, and industry cluster, they need to be well-monitored. I have received a report that a total of 89 thousand Indonesian migrant workers had returned and the number of returnees will rise up to probably 16 thousand. This must be well handled, properly monitored on the ground so that there will be no second wave. For industry cluster, we have to make sure which industries are permitted to operate. It must be checked on the ground whether they implement strict health protocol or not.

Fourth, related to social safety net programs. I received a report this morning from Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs that the Family Hope Program (PKH), staple-food packages, direct cash assistance, and Village Funds are currently running. However, I asked for speed so that these social assistance will be received by the beneficiaries; the sooner they receive, the better. I order that all assistance can be distributed by this week. And I also ask Minister of Social Affairs, Governors, Regents, Mayors, District Heads, and Village Heads to closely monitor on the ground.

I also request flexibility of the regions if there are poor people who have not received the assistance, they must immediately find a solution. I also ask the social assistance recipient data to be transparently available, who are eligible, what are the criteria, and type of the assistance, so that it is clear, will not cause suspicion, and we can make corrections on the ground immediately. I have already said that the timing issue must be managed properly, considering that the assistance are coming from the central government, from regional governments, and also the villages.

Lastly, I request to create a hotline for complaints so if there is embezzlement we can rapidly find it out.

I think that is all my introductory remarks.

Thank you.




Translated by Syarifah Aisyah
Reviewed by Mia Medyana B

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