Introductory Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at a Limited Meeting on the Evaluation of the Implementation of National Strategic Projects and Priority Programs in Central Kalimantan Province at the Presidential Office, Jakarta on 14 February 2017

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Februari 2017
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial Translation in English 

Good Afternoon,

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Today’s limited meeting will be focused on the evaluation of the implementation of national strategic projects and priority programs in two provinces. First, we will discuss the condition in Central Kalimantan Province. Good Afternoon, Pak Governor. Later, we will discuss North Sulawesi Province.

We know that the implementation of national strategic projects and priority programs throughout Indonesia continue to be carried out. However, we must also control, check, and monitor them because implementation and supervision are the key points.

Therefore, I instruct the ministers and heads of institutions to continue monitoring the implementation of national strategic projects and priority programs in all provinces. Whether the implementation works as planned or not and whether there are any problems or obstacles. The sooner we resolve the problems on the ground, the quicker the benefit of the projects can be enjoyed by all the people.

Moreover, I want coordination and synergy with all governors, as the representatives of Central Government in the regions, to be strenghtened. Secondly, in this limited meeting, I want to emphasize that the regions which are experiencing economic slowdown as a consequence of global economic fluctuation should get more attention and assistance from the Central Government.

On the one hand, regions producing natural resources such as Central Kalimantan has abundant potentials, including mineral and coal, as well as plantation and forestry products. But on the other hand, those regions are greatly affected by the decline in commodity prices in global market. That means global economic slowdown brings a significant impact on the regional economy. I ask all to use this momentum to adding value to the commodities. We were so swayed by the high commodity prices that we neglect the development of downstream and processing industries to bring added value to our natural resources.

And, we must start developing downstream industry because it will directly affect the society, open job opportunities, and generate economy in the regions. Besides developing downstream industry, we must also explore the potentials of Central Kalimantan which have not been explored as an alternative to maintain the sustainability of economic growth momentum. Central Kalimantan should develop its economic potentials which have not been explored, so the region will not be dependent on mineral and coal exploitations, as well as forestry products which will run out one day.

Lastly, I would like to stress the importance of accelerating the development of transportation infrastructures in Central Kalimantan which will not only be beneficial to open up access of Central Kalimantan regions, but also will enhance intra-regional connectivity and reduce logistic cost. I want the development of transportation infrastructures to be integrated with other regions in Kalimantan and heed spatial and environmental aspects.

I think that is all I can say in this remarks. I invite the Governor of Central Kalimantan to take the floor. (Humas Setkab)(RAS/AW/YM/Naster)

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