Introductory Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia during Limited Cabinet Meeting on Prevention of the Spreading of Zika Virus at Presidential Office, 3 February 2016

By Humas     Date 3 Februari 2016
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

On 1 February 2016, the spreading of Zika virus has been announced by the WHO as global health emergency. This virus has the potential to spread to all over the world and it needs international cooperation to handle this problem.

To prepare anticipative measures in order to prevent the spreading of this virus, I want to emphasize that the measures taken must be synergistic and cross-sector.

First, I think the existence of this virus must be detected as early as possible, and hopefully it is not found here. Then, there should be a media for reporting as well as a tight and systematic control system.

Second, to intensify preventive measures and to make a campaign in order to mobilise the people to eradicate mosquito nests because the mosquito become the vector of this virus. The community must get information to prevent the spreading of this virus. A warning should be given to the people who will travel to the countries that have been infected by Zika. Then, there should be a control at the country’s entrance because the vector of the virus is possibly carried away from the infected countries.

Third, once again, please prepare fast respond to handle this problem.

This is all my introductory remarks. You have the floor, Minister of Health. (Humas) (MMB/YM/Naster)

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