Introductory Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Limited Meeting on Evaluation of the Implementation of National Strategic Projects and Priority Programs in South Sumatra Province at the Presidential Office, Jakarta 21 March 2017

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 Maret 2017
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation 

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

Peace be upon us all,

Regarding the implementation of national strategic projects and priority programs in South Sumatera Province, …

Good afternoon, Pak Governor, how are you?

I ask all to concentrate on finishing the development of transportation infrastructures, such as toll roads, railways, and LRTs, in order to facilitate inter-regional connectivity in Sumatera Island as well as in South Sumatera Province. These infrastructures are important to support economic movement in South Sumatera and also the organization of the 2018 Asian Games.

I would also like to ask all to accelerate the development of Tanjung Api-api Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and the possibility of an expansion in Tanjung Carat. I believe the development of SEZs will be able to provide new job opportunities and to drive economic growth in South Sumatera that was able to reach 5.03 percent in 2016, slightly above national average.

This SEZ will also be developed to accommodate investment in processing industry sector, for example petrochemical and crude refinery as well as investment in automotive, electronic, manufacture industries, and others.

Lastly, although processing industry makes higher contribution to South Sumatra’s economy, the productivity of agriculture sector and the increase of farmer’s exchange ratio must also get attention from the Government. The data shows that farmer’s exchange ratio is always below 100 and has a tendency to decline. It means the price increase of agriculture products is lower than that of their consumption goods. So, we must work hard to increase the  prosperity of farmers in South Sumatra.

I invite Governor of South Sumatra to give an explanation. (PR Cabinet Secretariat) (MMB/YM/Naster)

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