Introductory Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the Limited Cabinet Meeting the Continuation of Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Carbon Pricing Policy, Monday, 6 July 2020 at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 Juli 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all.


Distinguished Vice President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This afternoon, we will discuss the continuation of Indonesia-Norway cooperation on greenhouse gas emissions reduction and carbon pricing policy. Although currently we are still focused on controlling COVID-19 outbreak, there are a number of national strategic agendas that I have already said about greenhouse gas emissions, including cooperation between Indonesia and Norway which must continue.

I have received the report that the prolonged discussion between Indonesia and Norway to reduce greenhouse gas emission have been held. I remember it began in 2010 and Indonesia continues to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emission by 26 percent by 2020, and 29 percent in 2030.

Since we have set target for carbon gas reduction based on the ratified Climate Change Conference by 29 percent in 2030 and 41 percent with support from international technical cooperation, and based on Climate Change Conference, we must reduce carbon emission by 17.2 percent in the forestry sector, 11 percent in the energy sector, 0.32 percent in the waste sector, 0.13 percent in the agricultural sector, and 0.11 percent in the industrial and transportation sectors. On this occasion, I want to highlight some issues.

First, we must continue to consistently run the environmental rehabilitation programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as peatland protection and acceleration of forest and land rehabilitation. I also called for constant vigilance against land and forest fires since dry season is coming. In addition, several existing measures to protect biodiversity in an effort to protect and restore forests must be ensured to run well on the ground, as well as the further development of biodiesel B30, B50, and B100, along with the development of solar energy and wind energy must be carried on.

Second, all steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must be completed immediately. Finalize the regulation; complete its financial instrument, including incentives for stakeholders that we must also observe. We also must ensure that this carbon control brings significant impact on target achievement of emissions reduction by 26 percent in 2020 and 29 percent in 2030. I reckon that we have many opportunities (to reduce the emission) on peatland, mangrove forest, and other forests can be well-executed if the implementation on the ground runs well.

That is all I want to say for my introductory remarks.




Translated by Galuh Wicaksono H

Reviewed by Yuyu Mulyani

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