Islam Doesn’t Teach Violence: President Jokowi

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Mei 2018
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President Jokowi talks to the leaders of Ikhwanul Mubalighin during National Conference (Halaqoh) of Hubbul Wathon and Declaration of the National Movement of Islamic Preachers for State Defense (GN-MBN) at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, Monday (14/5). (Photo by: Public Relations Division of Cabinet Secretariat/JAY).

President Jokowi talks to the leaders of Ikhwanul Mubalighin during National Conference (Halaqoh) of Hubbul Wathon and Declaration of the National Movement of Islamic Preachers for State Defense (GN-MBN) at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, Monday (14/5). (Photo by: Public Relations Division of Cabinet Secretariat/JAY).

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo condemned terrorist attack in Surabaya perpetrated on Sunday (13/5) and Monday (14/5). The President said that the suicide bombings are uncivilized since they involved children aged 9 to 12 years old.

“I just got the information that the terrorist attack this morning, again, involved children. This time the attack involved children aged 8 and 15 years old,” President Jokowi said when delivering his remarks at the National Conference (Halaqoh) of Hubbul Wathon and Declaration of the National Movement of Islamic Preachers for State Defense (GN-MBN) at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, East Jakarta, Monday (14/5).

According to the President, the Islamic preachers (mubalig) must remind their students, congregations, and the Umma that Islam does not teach violence.

“(Islam) doesn’t teach violence. (Islam) teaches us to be gentle, well mannered, respectful for others, tawadu, and humble. I think that is what our great Prophet taught us, “the President said.

President Jokowi reminded the participants that Indonesia is a large country with 263 million people and more than 17,000 islands from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas Island to Rote Island. Indonesia, the President added, has 714 ethnic groups with various customs, traditions and religions. The diversity, according to the President, is a gift from God.

The President further said that it is our responsibility to maintain Islamic solidarity (ukhuwah islamiyah), National solidarity (ukhuwah wathaniyah), and Human solidarity (ukhuwah insaniyah/ukhuwah basariyyah).

President Jokowi also expressed his hope that political interests and events, including local, regional, and presidential election, will not diminish national solidarity.

According to the President, people are free to elect different regents, mayors, governors, or presidents, but once the election is over, they must be reconciled with each other as fellow countrymen.

President Jokowi asked Islamic preachers (Mubaligh) and spiritual leaders (Kyai) to remind the people that diversity is a God’s destiny. The President also expressed his hope that local, regional and national elections shall not involve slander and insult.

President Jokowi further asked the participants to avoid suul tafahum which means having suspicious mind, hateful towards others, envious to others, lack of understanding and negative thinking. According to the President, everyone should uphold husnul tafahum which means having positive thinking, being nice to others, merciful to others, and humble.

Also present during the event were Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Chairman of Ikhwanul Muballighin K.H. Mujib Khudlori, Chairman of Board of Trustees of Ikhwanul Muballighin K.H. Nur Muhammad Iskandar, and Chairman of the Board of Experts of Ikhwanul Muballighin Rokhim Dahuri. (FID/JAY/ES) (RI/MMB/Naster)

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