Jokowi Challenges Universities to Produce Energy-Efficient Car

By Humas     Date 5 Oktober 2015
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Jokowi Challenges Universities to Produce Energy-Efficient Car

President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo accompanied by Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education M. Nasir received Indonesian Student Team of 2015 Asian Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) who competed in the 2015 Asian SEM event on 26 Pebruary – 1 March 2015, in Manila, the Philippines.

Managing Director of PT. Shell Indonesia Darwin Silalahi who accompanied the students reported that the event involved 120 University student’s team from 17 countries in Asia and the Middle East. The participated team brought a vehicle in one of the Urban Concept or Prototype category choosing one of seven different fuel.

“The final result is measured by determining which team was able to reach the farthest distance by using fuel that equal to 1 kWh of electricity, 1 m3 of hydrogen or 1 liter of fuel,”Darwin said.

According to him, Indonesia sent 23 teams in which 6 teams managed to win some awards. “For Urban Concept category of diesel fuel, Indonesian team became the first, second and third winner,” Darwin noted.

The other categories won by Indonesian team are Urban Concept category of ethanol fuel and Prototype category of gasoline fuel.

Challenges the Universities

President Joko Widodo appreciated the Indonesian team that has competed in 2015 Asia SEM. “I am proud of you no matter you win or not,” the President said as delivered by Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education M. Nasir.

Those achivements, the President added, does not only scent Indonesian name but also shows the quality of Indonesian human resources that are able to compete with other countries and even winning the competition. “Therefore, we do not feel more inferior than other nations,” he said.

The President hopes those achievements can inspire the young generation to think of an innovation for the use of fuel to create energy solution in the future. “This innovation will let us see a smart car and explore new fuel which can become the continuous energy resources,” the President noted.

The President even challenged to exhibit all innovations from Universities and societies, for instance, energy-efficient car.

“So, the President instructed to hold a national competition first so that we can win in the world competition later,” Nasir said.

Originally, SEM was held in 1939 in Shell Research Laboratory in United States of America as an inter researchers friendship competition to find out who could reach the farthest distance with a gallon of fuel in his/her vehicle.

At the time, the winner could only reach 50 mpg (21 km/l), and then this competition is developed into a more organized competition in three territories, namely Europe, America and Asia.

In 1985, Europe SEM was held first in France. In April 2007, this competition was held in the United States of America, and in 2010, the opening of SEM was held in Malaysia as the host of SEM until 2013. Since 2014, Manila-the Philippines has become the host of Asian SEM until 2016. (SLN/RAH/ES) (JS/MMB/YM-Naster/Sy)

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