KEIN Gives Recommendation to the Gov’t to Reach 7 Percent Economic Growth

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 Juni 2016
Category: News
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KEIN Chairman Soetrisno Bachir, accompanied by other KEIN members, gives a press statement to the reporters after meeting with President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, on Tuesday (7/6).

Members of the National Economic and Industry Committee (KEIN), led by its Chairman Soetrisno Bachir, on Tuesday (7/6), met with President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo at the Merdeka Palace to report the results of its strategic studies on economic and industry issues and to give recommendations to the Government to reach a 7 percent economic growth.

“Our economic growth is currently at 4.9 percent and it makes us pessimistic. In fact, we have the resources, be it natural resources, human resources, or Indonesia’s geographical (advantages). All these enable us to reach a high economic growth with a good quality. KEIN also recommends that the growth is expected to reach around 7 percent in 2018. So, we need to work hard and there are requirements to achieve that,” Soetrisno told reporters after the meeting.

KEIN also highlighted bank interest rate that can still be lowered although it is already low so that the tight liquidity both in the business world and among the people can be improved.

Regarding the issue of commodity prices, KEIN also recommends the Government to cut the lengthy distribution chain so that prices of commodities suggested by the President (for example the price of beef should be at Rp. 80,000 per kilogram) can be realized. It can also be implemented to prices of other commodities.

KEIN regularly reports strategic studies on economic and industry issues in Indonesia, Soetrisno further said.

“(Besides doing those studies) we also have discussions and forums with stakeholders and we report the results to the President as reports and the President may later use the reports (for discussion) with related ministers,” Soetrisno added.

In addition, KEIN also reported the results of visits to a number of countries to conduct comparative studies and to learn the successes of countries such as Japan, South Korea in implementing industrialization and rural development in the regions.

During the meeting with KEIN, President Jokowi was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution and Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro. (DND/ES)

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