Kendari Bay Bridge Construction Nearly Complete

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 25 Agustus 2020
Category: News
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Kendari Bay Bridge connects Kota Lama Port area to Poasia District in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Photo by: Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing

The construction progress of Kendari Bay Bridge that connects Kota Lama Port area to Poasia District in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province, has reached 97.33%.

The construction of the 1.34 kilometer bridge aims to support connectivity for the development of the southern region of Kendari, namely the Poasia area and the island of Bungkutoko which will be developed into an industrial area, Kendari New Port, and new residential areas.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono said that interregional connectivity is needed to achieve more efficient mobility of goods, services and people. Smoother connectivity is expected to increase regional economic growth so that it can help the process of accelerating development in the region.

“The construction of bridge, flyover and underpass infrastructure will facilitate connectivity and accessibility, and provide alternatives for communities to boost economic productivity,” the Minister said.

The Kendari Bay Bridge will also improve the connectivity of the national road and the outer ring road of Kendari connecting Kendari and Konawe Regency.

In the meantime, Expert Staff for Integrated Development of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Achmad Gani Ghazali Akman said that the construction of the Kendari Bay Bridge is carried out by the National Road Construction Agency (BPJN) of Kendari and a consortium of contractors of state construction companies PT PP and PT Nindya Karya, and is funded by Rp800 billion State Budget through multi-year contract scheme for 2015-2020.

Head of the National Road Construction Agency of Kendari Yohanis Tulak Todingrara said that the construction of the Kendari Bay Bridge consists of the construction of approach road (602.5 m), approach span (357.7 m), side span (180 m) and main span (200 m). He also added that the cable-stayed bridge has a width of 20 meters with four lanes, and is equipped with median barrier and sidewalk.

The Kendari Bay Bridge will also provide access for the people in the Kota Lama area or Poasia, which has been separated by the bay. People have to cross Kendari Bay by ferry or round the bay as far as 20 km with a travel time of 30-35 minutes. After the bridge completion, the travel time will be approximately 5 minutes. (Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing/ EN)



Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Mia Medyana

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