KNKT Proposes to Limit Driver Working Hours to Reduce Traffic Accidents

The participants takes pictures together in the event the Coordinating Agency for Community Relations (Bakohumas) discuss on theme Wisely Choose a Safety Bus Tour, at Orchardz Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (22/3).
The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has expressed its concern over the big number of land transportation accidents. In 2018 alone, the KNKT has already launched an investigation on the occurrence of 3 traffic accidents that need to be investigated.
KNKT accident investigator Wildi Kusumasari said that, the main cause of road accidents are a combination of poor condition of vehicles, extreme road conditions, and less skilled drivers in emergency situations.
Therefore, to reduce the high number of accidents on the road, the KNKT has proposed to limit working hours for drivers.
Some of KNKT recommendations are revisions to the Law Number 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Road Transport related to driver’s working hours adjusted to Law Number 13 of 2003 on Manpower, Wildi said at the thematic forum event of the Coordinating Agency for Community Relations (Bakohumas) adopting the theme Bijak Memilih Bus Wisata Yang Berkeselamatan, at Orchardz Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (22/3).
On that occasion, Wildi also stressed the need for safety management system audit to public transport operators related to drivers, mechanics and motor vehicle maintenance.
In the meantime, KNKT Vice Chairman Haryo Satmiko added that the vehicle factor and the driver in top condition before the trip became the main thing.
Vehicle factors such as non-porous vehicle body, tire tread that is not in a bare condition with a thickness of 1 mm, and braking system and speedometer that work well (are important factors), Haryo said when giving information about choosing a tour bus.
As for driver factor, Haryo said that there should be a backup driver and a helper. The driver is also urged to wear uniforms, take turn every 4 hours, and refrain from using mobile phones while driving.
Please check the vehicle and driver’s administrative requirements (valid and suitability) which includes: test books, vehicle registration, driver’s license, and tourist transport operating permit (bus monitoring card) or please contact the nearest transportation agencies, Haryo said, adding that the Autobus Tourism Company should be registered in the Directorate General of Land Transportation database.
Previously, KNKT Chairman Soerjanto Tjahjono presented the data, stating that there are seven train incidents in 2017 and until March 2018 there is only one accident. He added that the number of victims of train accidents from 2017 to March 2018 has declined or almost non-existent.
High accident rate, according to Soerjanto, is reported on sea transport that continues to increase until 2017. As for 2018 until 2 February there have been 7 accidents reported.
Also attending the event were Director General of Information and Public Communication Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, KNKT Chairman Soerjanto Tjahjono and KNKT Vice Chairman Haryo Satmiko as well as representatives of the ministries/institutions public relations. (EN/ES) (GWH/EP/Naster)