KPU Announces 17 National Parties, Six Aceh Local Parties Qualified for 2024 General Elections

The 2024 Simultaneous Election Mascot (Source:
The General Election Commission (KPU) has announced 17 national political parties and six Aceh local political parties to participate in the 2024 elections. This decision was stated in Decree of KPU Number 518 of 2022.
“There are 17 political parties qualified to participate in the general elections and six Aceh local political parties for the DPRA (People’s Representative Council of Aceh) and the DPRK (Regional People’s Representative Council),” KPU Chairperson Hasyim Asy’ari said in a press statement Wednesday (12/14) at the KPU Building, Jakarta.
Hasyim said that the determination was in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017 which says that the determination of political parties participating in elections was carried out 14 months before voting day.
Following the determination, Hasyim added the participating political parties then should take part in an Open Plenary Meeting for Drawing and Determining Political Party Numbers for the 2024 General Elections on the same day. In this process, as stipulated in Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2022, political parties participating in the 2019 elections that meet the parliamentary threshold have the option to use their numbers used in the 2019 elections or return the number to the KPU and participate in the drawing process.
“For political parties with seats in the House of Representatives, we have prepared a statement letter as to whether they will use the numbers used during the 2019 elections or will take part in the drawing process. If they would like to take part in the drawing process, the numbers should be given back to the KPU and they must participate in the drawing process and we will determine [the numbers],” Hasyim said.
Meanwhile, political parties participating in the 2019 election that do not pass the parliamentary and new party thresholds are required to take part in the drawing.
National political parties to participate in the 2024 elections are as follows:
- Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P)
- Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)
- United Indonesia Party (Perindo)
- National Democratic Party (NasDem)
- Crescent Star Party (PBB)
- Nusantara Awakening Party (PKN)
- Change Indonesia Movement Party (Garuda)
- Democratic Party (PD)
- Indonesia People’s Wave Party (Gelora)
- People’s Conscience Party (Hanura)
- Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra)
- National Awakening Party (PKB)
- Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI)
- National Mandate Party (PAN)
- Party of Functional Groups (Golkar)
- United Development Party (PPP)
- Labour Party
Below are the six Aceh local political parties:
- Aceh Party
- Aceh Just and Prosperous Party Aceh (PAS Aceh)
- Generasi Atjeh Beusaboh Tha’at dan Taqwa Party
- Darul Aceh Party
- Nanggroe Aceh Party
- Sira Party (Independent Voice of the Acehnese Party)