KPU Officially Announces Presidential, VP Candidates for 2019 Election

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 September 2018
Category: News
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Pasangan-Capres-Cawapres-300x168The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) have formally declared Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin and Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno as presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2019 election.

“The result of the KPU’s plenary meeting has officially declared that the two candidate pairs are eligible as Presidential and Vice President Election candidates in the 2019 Presidential Election,” KPU Chairman Arief Budiman said in Jakarta, Thursday (20/9).

According to him, the KPU had conducted a thorough examination of the candidates since the two pairs registered themselves on 10 August 2018, followed by a medical examination few days after.

Following this announcement, Arief expressed hope the public will get detailed information of their presidential and vice presidential candidates.

In the meantime, along with the announcement of the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs, the KPU has also announced the Permanent Candidate List (DCT) of legislative elections with 7,968 candidates for the House of Representatives (DPR) and 807 candidates for Regional Representatives Council (DPD).

The DCT of the DPR, according to Arief, come from 16 political parties that had submitted their names of candidates on 4-17 July 2018.  A total of 13 parties submitted their legislative candidates in 80 electoral districts, while 3 other parties submitted in 79 electoral districts (for the Gerindra Party and the Hanura Party) and 61 electoral districts (for the PKP Indonesia Party). Those candidates consist of 4,774 male candidates and 3,194 female candidates.

“And the total female representatives reach 40 percent,” Arief said.

Meanwhile, the DPD candidates come from 34 provinces, including 671 male candidates and 136 female candidates. (PR Division of KPU/ES) (STU/EP/Naster)

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