Land Certificate Distribution Exceeds Target, President Jokowi Says

President Jokowi distributes the land certificates in Blitar Regency Hall, East Java, Thursday (3/1). (Photo by: OJI/Public Relations).
President Joko Jokowi Widodo on Thursday (1/3) distributed 2,500 land certificates to residents in Blitar regency and the surrounding areas in East Java province..
According to the President, the issuance of land certificates carried out by Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/the National Land Agency (BPN) has exceeded the set target.
In 2018, we set the target of distributing 7 million land certificates and I just received a report that the distribution has reached 9.4 million land certificates, President Jokowi told the press after distributing land certificates.
The President added that the Government has set the target of distributing 9 million land certificates and expressed hopes that it will also exceed the target.
Previously, President Jokowi continued, the Government could only issue 500-600 thousand land certificates in a year. In fact, in all over the country there are 126 million land plots that must be certified and until 2015 only 46 million land plots that have been certified, meaning there are 80 million more land plots to be certified.
If in a year (the Government only issued) 500,000 land certificates, meaning that you have to wait 160 years to get a certificate, the President said.
President Jokowi went on to say that distribution of land certificates is important because every time he visits a region, either in or outside Java, he always receives complaints regarding land dispute. By having the certificate, he added, there is evidence of legal rights to their land.
President Jokowi also reminded the people who have received the certificates to make a copy it and secure them inside a plastic folder so if the original certificate is lost, they still have a copy and can reprocess the certificate. President Jokowi also asked them to make careful decisions to use their certificates as collateral to the bank and ordered them to calculate it first. In addition, the President also reminded them to ensure they are able to pay the installment so they will not lose the certificates.
If you get a loan (from bank), Rp300 million for example, please use the loan only for working capital. Do not use it for consumption, the President said, adding that the profits earned can be saved or made into working capital again. (RSF/UN/OJI/RAH/ES)
Translated by: Galuh Wicaksono
Edited by: Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas