Main Points of Perpres concerning Organizational Structure of State Civil Apparatus Commission

By Humas     Date 6 Oktober 2014
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Main Points of Perpres concerning Organizational Structure of State Civil Apparatus Commission

Before confirming Prof. Sofian Effendi as the Chairman of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) as stipulated in Presidential Decree Number 141/M/2014, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) had first signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 118 of 2014 concerning the Secretariat, the Human Resources System and Management, and the Financial Management and Responsibility of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN).

The Presidential Regulation which President SBY signed on 18 September 2014 mentions that the Secretariat of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN Secretariat) is directly subordinate and responsible to the Chairman of KASN. KASN Secretariat is led by the Head of KASN Secretariat.

“KASN Secretariat has the duties to provide administrative and technical operational support for KASN,” Article 2 of the Perpres reads.

In the performance of its duties, KASN Secretariat performs the functions to (a) prepare the materials necessary for formulating the programs, work plans, and activity reports of KASN, (b) provide administrative support for KASN, (c) provide technical operational support for KASN, (d) perform the organizational improvement, personnel administration, financial management, and asset management of KASN Secretariat, and (e) gather, process, and present data, and prepare the activity reports of KASN Secretariat.

In the performance of its duties and its functions, KASN Secretariat has the authority to coordinate the performance of KASN’s administrative activities and to foster the human resources of KASN Secretariat, KASN Assistants, and KASN Functional Officials.

Article 6 of this Perpres mentions that KASN Secretariat consists of 5 (five) divisions at the most. Each division consists of 3 (three) subdivisions at the most. In addition, within KASN Secretariat’s scope, functional officials can be appointed, in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

“The number of organizational units in KASN Secretariat’s scope is determined based on the analyses of the organization and its workload,” Article 8 of Presidential Regulation Number 118 of 2014 reads.

Pursuant to this Perpres, the post of the Head of KASN Secretariat (the highest post in KASN Secretariat) must be filled by a civil servant (PNS). The Head of KASN Secretariat is appointed and dismissed by the Head of KASN and confirmed administratively by the minister who takes charge of state apparatus empowerment and bureaucratic reform.

KASN Officials

Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 118 of 2014 mentions that the officials of KASN Secretariat have the status of civil servants (PNS) or they are contract-based government employees (PPPK). They are appointed and dismissed by the minister who takes charge of state apparatus empowerment and bureaucratic reform, upon the proposition of the Head of KASN.

The KASN officials hold (a) the positions of Assistants, (b) the positions of Functional Expert Officials, and (c) other positions in KASN Secretariat’s scope.

“Assistants and Functional Expert Officials provide technical substantial support for KASN,” Article 14 of this Perpres reads.

Further provisions concerning the duties and the functions of Assistants and Functional Expert Officials and the types of the Functional Expert Officials needed are stipulated in KASN Head Regulation.

The next article mentions that Assistants and Functional Expert Officials are coordinated by commissioners in working units, responsible to KASN members in accordance with their respective scopes of work, and coordinated administratively by KASN Secretariat.

The budget needed to perform the functions, the duties, and the authority of KASN, according to this Perpres, has its source from the State Revenues and Expenditures Budget (APBN). Meanwhile, the incomes and other facilities for the Head, the Deputy Head, and the Members of KASN are regulated in a Presidential Regulation.

“This Presidential Regulation is effective since the date of its promulgation,” Article 33 of the Perpres reads. Perpres Number 118 of 2014 was promulgated on 25 September 2014 by Minister of Law and Human Rights Amir Syamsuddin. (Pusdatin/ES)

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