Market Potentials for Borobudur Temple Are Still Open: President Jokowi

By Humas     Date 29 Januari 2016
Category: News
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President Jokowi leading limited cabinet meeting in Magelang, Central Java

President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo said that as the world-renowned cultural-heritage site, Borobudur Temple must continue to be preserved, especially because the Temple has now become a tourist destination that brings benefits for the people living nearby.

According to the President, based on the 2014 data, the number of international tourists visiting the Temple reached around 250,000 people, while the number of domestic tourists visiting the Temple was estimated to reach 2.2 million people.


Therefore, according to the President,  market potentials that the Temple has  are still very open, especially for tourists from Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Germany, Brunei Darussalam, and China.

“The development of Borobudur Temple must be prepared well. Its development must also be integrated among ministries and among provinces. It must also be integrated with other tourist destinations such as Prambanan Temple or Sangiran, both of which are also cultural heritage sites,” the President said in his opening remarks before a limited cabinet meeting on the measures to accelerate the development of Borobudur as a national tourist destination at Manohara Hotel, near Boroudur Temple, in Muntilan, Magelang, Central Java on Friday afternoon (29/1).

The President considered that Ministry of Tourism has managed to build the country’s branding; thus the Government can make fast moves.

“I supposed if the planning is done, we have to do positioning; afterwards, we build the brand product, the brand value and other products so in marketing, it will make us easier to market it,” the President said.

President Jokowi also hopes that international standard for facilities and services should be prepared.

The President also reminded that hotels provided must be at least 4-star hotel, but it must also be taken care of, maintained, and controlled on a daily basis.

“We hope to reach the standards,” he added.

In the meantime, the President said art and cultural performances held in Borobudur should not only be about the Temple but also other cultural attractions.

 “I was informed that this year, there has only been one cultural performance. I hope art and cultural performances in Borobudur Temple are held every week. I think regencies in Central Java province and Yogyakarta province or other provinces in Indonesia have their own art and cultural performances. There are still many other cultural products that we can offer,” the President said.

Regarding the management, President Jokowi acknowledged that the management must be clarified because it is reported that 4 managements are in charge in Borobudur Temple.

“If there are four managements, it will be difficult to make decisions. This is what we have to decide. We also have to reach a decision on other issues, including zoning,” the President said.

President Jokowi also hoped that during the meeting, a decision can be made and the plans can be immediately implemented on the ground, so changes can be really made.

“I hope the number of visitors can significantly increase,” the President said.

Before leading the meeting, President Jokowi also visited the Temple.

Also accompanying the President during the meeting were Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya, Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Head of the Creative Economy Agency Triawan Munaf, and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo. (SLN/ES) (EP/YM/Naster)


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