“Masela Block will be Used to Develop East Indonesia”, President Says

By Humas     Date 29 Februari 2016
Category: News
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President Joko Widodo answers the journalists’ questions after attending an event at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in Jakarta (29/2)

President Joko Widodo explained that the decision on Masela Block’s investment will be made in 2018. This statement was delivered by the President when answering the journalists’ questions after witnessing the signing of 2016 Strategic Activities Contract of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) at the Plaza of Ministry of ESDM, on Monday (29/2) morning.

At the moment, according to the President, the Government still study this investment. “The Government still needs time to give opportunity to the investors and to decide whether it will be offshore or onshore. The study will complete as soon as possible,” the President said.

The most important thing is, he added, Masela Block must be used to develop the Eastern part of Indonesia.

“Don’t just exploit it but the people surrounding the area get nothing. This is what I ask from Minister of ESDM and Minister of National Development Planning,” the President affirmed.

He also reminded the importance of oil fund or petroleum fund for energy security in the future and development of the surrounding areas.

“Don’t just spend all money until nothing’s left for our future generation,” he said. (UN/EN)(MMB/YM/Naster)

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