Masjid as a Mean to Spread Ukhuwah: President Jokowi

President Jokowi attends an amicable gathering with BKPRMI, Wednesday (25/4), at Pondok Gede Hajj dormitory, Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta (Photo: PR/Jay).
To begin his remark at silaturahmi (an amicable gathering) with Indonesian Mosque Youth Communication Board (BKPRMI) on Wednesday (25/40, at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Pinang Ranti, East Jakarta, President Joko Jokowi Widodo stated that Indonesia is a huge country.
According to the President, this statement has been made in every occasion the President attended. President Jokowi explained as the largest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia has a huge political power.
The Head of State acknowledged that it took him 9 hours 15 minutes to fly directly from Banda Aceh to Wamena which is equal to the destination from London, England, to Istanbul, Turkey, which pass through six to eight countries.
It means this country is a very huge, a very large country which Allah gives to us, diverse, plural, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-traditional, multi-religious, the President described.
With the bless of Allah to Indonesia, the President has requested all to foster, to take care, and to nurture Indonesia. To become a great and huge economic power, the President added, Indonesia has passed through various ordeal, obstacles, and resistances. We must tell the truth, there is still disparity, there is still inequality, there is still poverty. I exemplify, currently we are focusing and concentrating on infrastructure development, the President said while giving an examples such as the construction of underway harbors, airports, or toll roads to minimize the disparity.
For example in Papua, the President further said, it takes 3 days to go from Merauke, Papua, to Boven Digoel as the main road with the length of 100 kilo meter (km). I just want to illustrate that the construction of Trans Papua Road is underway and in shaa Allah (God willing) in 2019 there will be interconnection between regencies/cities and provinces. The existing one right now has not been asphalted yet, but it is already opened. the President uttered while explaining that the completion of infrastructure is undertaken to prepare the competition with other countries.
On the occasion, the President asked all parties to concentrate upon the countrys development. He reminded not to be exhausted on disadvantageous stuffs. I always say to criticize is welcomed, to share an opinion is welcomed, to give suggestion is welcomed, I always welcome. But please distinguish between to criticize and to blame, critic and libel, critic and abuse. To criticize differs from to blame, critic differs from libel, critic differs from abuse. Critic is based on data and it provides solutions, the President said by exampling Communist Partys issue on him.
In a digital era, according to the President, what has entered Indonesia and must be faced have both positive and negative sides. Therefore, the President asked to utilize the positive side from social media.
Establish Partnership with the Middle East
The last thing the President said was Indonesia currently is moving in seeking a partner, building a better relationship with other countries. Because mainly we have a long partnership always with Japan, America, Europe, China, South Korea,. In 3.5 years we want to move our direction so that those investment partners entering countries in the Middle East, the President added.
Moreover, the President explained his meeting with His Excellency King of Saudi Arabia Salman, King of United Emirate Arab Sheikh Mohammed, King of Qatar Sheikh Tamim, of whom has paid a reciprocal visit to Indonesia was His Excellency King Salman and Sheikh Tamim. Our relationships with those Excellencies are now much better. As I went to Saudi Arabia, I was picked up in front of airplanes gate. It is indeed as the biggest Muslim country in the world we are respected. Other countries respect us, the President added.
Due to those countries abundant oil resources, President Jokowi has fostered a bilateral relationship in order to encourage an economic cooperation between the Middle East countries and Indonesia. I was the first President to come to Coxs Bazaar. What was I going to show? That is we own, we like to build, not only ukhuwah Islamiah (Islamic brotherhood), ukhuwah wathaniyah (brotherhood of the nation), but also ukhuwah basyariah (brotherhood among human beings) with our brothers and sisters in other countries, the President said.
On the gathering, the President also told that his visit to Kabul, Afghanistan, which in a state of highly aware so that it need an extra tight security service with panzers or helicopters.
Lastly, I am sure and optimistic, Indonesia will be advanced and prosperous. And through mosque we spread brotherhoods, spread ukhuwah, spread unity of the communities, and spread calmness of the heart, calmness of iman, the President ended his remark.
Presenting on the gathering was Head of Regional Representatives Council Oesman Sapta Odang, Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Minister of Social Affairs Idrus Marham, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi. (MAY/JAY/EN) (EPI/YM/Naster)