Menpora: Timeline for 2018 Asian Games to Finish Next Week

Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nachrawi
Youth and Sports Minister (Menpora) Imam Nachrowi mentioned that President Joko Jokowi Widodo gave his full attention to the thorough details of the organization of big events that have been planned by Ministry of Youth and Sports, particularly 2018 Asian Games.
The Presidents main concern is the thorough details of the big events, especially 2018 Asian Games. He did not want to divert his attention away from the things required by the OCA (Olympic Council of Asia), said Imam to the press after accompanying Indonesian National Scouts (Kwartir Nasional Pramuka) having a meeting with President Jokowi, in Merdeka Palace, on Friday morning (5/2).
Menpora admitted that OCA has given some warnings to make a tight timeline for the construction of infrastructure related to the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang.
OCA gave some warnings to make a tight timeline for the construction of infrastructure. However, Presidential Instruction will not be issued if there is not any detailed masterplan, said Minister Imam Nahrowi.
Minister targeted to finish the timeline and masterplan no later than next week or mid-February 2016. So that, when OCA comes to Indonesia, which is planned on 18 February, all the things have been settled.
We need support and prayers from all of you so that we could fulfill peoples hope to work hard and seriously to finish all the preparation as well as possible, said Minister. (FID/RAH/ES) (AJ/LW)