Message of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Commemoration of Pancasila Birthday Monday, 1 June 2020, Garuda Room, Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 Juni 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

May peace be upon us all,


Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.

Distinguished Bapak K.H. Ma’ruf Amin, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia;
Distinguished Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri, the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia and Head of the Advisory Board of the Agency for the Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila (BPIP), and members of the BPIP Aadvisory Board ;

Distinguished Chairpersons of State Insitutions, Speaker of of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly, Speaker of the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia;

Honourable Ministers of the Indonesian Onward Cabinet;

Honourable Head of the BPIP and its members;

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Commemoration of Pancasila Birthday this year is carried out in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that tests our struggle as a nation, tests our sacrifice, tests our discipline, tests our obedience, and tests our composure in taking swift and appropriate policy decisions. In the face of all these tests, we are grateful that Pancasila remains as a guiding star to move us all, move our unity in overcoming all challenges, move our sense of caring to share with each other, strengthen our unity and brotherhood to alleviate the burden of all the children of the nation, and grow our power to strive to overcome every difficulty and challenge we face.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

We must present the noble values of Pancasila in our lives. Pancasila must continue to be the value living and working in our lives. The value that is prevailing in government policies and decisions. Living values that surge in the spirit of the Indonesian people. I constantly invite all state administrators from the center of government to the regions to continue to strengthen our alignments with people who are experiencing difficulties, to serve the community without discriminating between groups, races, and religions, and to fulfill our obligations to protect all nations and its citizens.

I also invite all elements of the nation wherever they are, from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote, to continue to strengthen the unity and brotherhood, help each other, aid those in need, and work hand in hand, as well as always optimistic that our nation is a winning nation despite the many challenges faced. Weaknesses and shortcomings do not prevent us from moving forward. We must improve ourselves from those weaknesses and shortcomings; we must make this momentum of change to trigger a leap of progress so that we become a strong and independent nation which stands on its own feet.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We face the challenges that are not easy. This year or even next year, we will still face a difficult situation. A situation that requires our struggle and hard work as a nation so we can get through the tough time. We are not alone, there are 215 countries around the globe are in a situation like ours, all in trouble. But we also have to realize that all countries are competing to be winners. Become a winner in controlling the virus and a winner in economic recovery. As a great nation, we must also emerge as the victor. We must be optimistic; we must be able to create opportunities in the midst of difficulties. We must answer all of difficulties with innovation and real work. We must not stop our creativity, innovation, and accomplishment in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. Let us prove our resilience, let us win our future, we must realize the noble ideals of the nation’s founders. As fellow countrymen, let us continue to strengthen unity, let us care and share for others; let us show that we are a strong nation. Let us prove that our nation is not only able to face challenges but also be able to utilize adversity to be a leap of progress.

Happy Pancasila Day,

Happy Pancasila Day,

Happy Pancasila Day.

Let us remain united, care and share for others for the advancement of our beloved nation.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om,

Namo Buddhaya.

Translated by Galuh Wicaksono H
Reviewed by Lulu W

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