Minister Issues Circular on Industrial Exhaust Gas Emission Control

Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang
In a bid to improve Jakarta’s air quality, Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Katasasmita has issued Circular Number 2 of 2023 concerning Report on Exhaust Gas Emission of Industrial Sector in the Provinces of Special Capital Region of Jakarta, West Java, and Banten.
The Circular is aimed at providing guidance on drawing up a report about industrial exhaust gas emission control for industrial companies and industrial estates in the three provinces.
“Through reports by industrial companies, Ministry of Industry can collect data to analyze and identify how many industries have power plants in their production processes,” Head of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency of Ministry of Industry Doddy Rahadi said as quoted from the Ministry’s website, Wednesday (08/30).
According to him, measures to control exhaust gas emission require an identification of main sources as a basis for prioritized handling measures, stakeholders’ coordination, supervision and fostering from relevant authorities, and informative publications.
Doddy also stated that inspections of specific sectors should not be carried out repeatedly on the same objects and should still consider the capabilities of the sector and the community while also enhancing awareness and community involvement.
“In this case, strategic measures are crucial since it will take quite a long time; stop playing the blame game and find out the solutions,” he said.
In the meantime, the Ministry’s Director General of Industrial Resilience, Zoning and International Access Eko S. A. Cahyanto pointed out that the scope of the Circular covers the obligations of industrial companies and industrial estates to implement green industry and submit reports through the National Industrial Information System (SIInas) online portal and the mechanism of report verification.
Industrial companies and industrial estates located in Jakarta, West Java, and Banten provinces, whose production processes and waste produce exhaust gas emission or cause air pollution, must conduct exhaust gas emission control and ensure that the exhaust gas emission meet the standards as set forth in the provisions of laws and regulations, and report their emission control regularly.
“The industries must submit weekly reports every Thursday through the National Industrial Information System online portal, following the reporting guidelines outlined in the Circular’s Appendix issued by Ministry of Industry,” the Ministry’s Director of Industrial Resilience and Business Climate Binoni Tio A. Napitupulu stated.
Binoni also said that verification of exhaust gas emission control reports will be carried out by an inspection team stipulated by Decree of Minister of Industry Number 3599 of 2023.
As the Circular comes into effect from August 25 to December 31, 2023, industrial companies and industrial estates failing to meet their obligations will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
Meanwhile, the Ministry’s Head of the Center for Industrial Data and Information Wulan Aprilianti Permatasari said that report on emission control submitted via the SIInas portal will collect monitoring data from industrial companies and would be used as industrial profiling based on industry type, location, emissions, and emission control efforts.
The procedure for reporting exhaust gas emission control via the portal is as follows:
– Login to the SIINas account
– Select the e-Reporting menu
– Select the “Emission Control Report” menu
– Complete the form and upload the appropriate supporting documents
– Click the “Submit” button to submit a report
(PR of Ministry of Industry/UN) (RIF/MMB)